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Re: None

Wednesday, 07/23/2003 6:33:01 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 6:33:01 PM

Post# of 41875

By: Dorothy Anne Seese

Is it going to take another Mogadishu, this time in Liberia and perhaps far worse, to finally wake up the American public to the fact that the Bush government is not only unconstitutional but incompetent? It may, hopefully it will.

Since the infamous Nine-Eleven, Americans, Afghanis and Iraqis have become occupied peoples under the leadership of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States. Conservative (really conservative, really patriotic and really pro-American) writers have been tossing verbal grenades for a minimum of a year now at the Bush War Cabal and Oil Complex. If anyone knows whether Osama bin Laden is dead, they aren't saying it in the press. But wasn't he the reason "we" invaded Afghanistan? If so, then our mission failed because he has not been captured or killed as far as the public knows. If our leaders know, they aren't telling and if they don't know, they're just plain idiots who spent billions to capture or kill a turbaned lunatic who got away (dead or alive).

However, the way for an oil pipeline is fairly well secured to the MIC. If ExxonMobil, Unocal, BP and others wanted Afghanistan, why didn't they hire their own mercenaries to take the land rather than putting US citizens in harm's way? Our military is for the national defense of the United States, and our Congress never declared war against the nation of Afghanistan. It was deployed by the president of the United States under some wishy-washy abrogation of congressional duty and illegal delegation of its authority to the president, the very thing Congress was created to avoid.

Somewhere after bin Laden ceased to be newsworthy, all the world's ills came down on the head of Saddam Hussein and his infamous and non-existent WMD. So Congress again abdicated its duties and reason for being, leaving a president and his warhawk cabal to go in and start a war to please the MIC, particularly Halliburton, Bechtel and the oil cartels. Somewhere along the way, in some manner not published in our general media, DynCorp (the curse of Kosovo) has to be involved. If the US is involved, so is DynCorp, by whatever name and in whatever disguise. If getting Saddam was the purpose of that war, then we failed our mission because he, like bin Laden, is apparently still alive. But if our mission was to secure our oil interests, then it was apparently a success, but one under siege.

So now bin Laden and Hussein are "whereabouts unknown" while US soldiers die daily from the revenge being taken upon them as visible representatives of the United States. Nothing personal, they're just there and when hatred rages this vehemently against an aggressor nation, then any of its citizens, civil or military, are fair game for those who want to make it clear they are not welcome.

Along comes Liberia, years after the US has ignored the slaughters in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia, Sudan, Chad and South Africa of both blacks and whites, and our administration dispatches some US Marines to "guard the embassy." If my recollection is correct, we became embroiled in Vietnam by sending "technical advisors" to the leader of South Vietnam. Then some military. Then our great socialist president, the late Lyndon B. Johnson invented the Gulf of Tonkin attack and got Americans all riled up to fight a war in which our national security interests were not the least involved, but we lost 58,000 American lives. And we put up a wall to commemorate them. Nice tribute. "These lives were lost for American greed and stupidity by its leaders." No, that is not written on the wall, but it should be.

Now we're off to Liberia, tra-la, tra-la. We're going to rescue the world, tra-la, tra-la.

How much more of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Tom Ridge and this whole Bushreich will American citizens tolerate? How many more "acts" will they allow to be passed by a useless Congress that take away our constitutional freedoms? How much longer will the American public be willing to sing the praises of an apparently megalomaniac leader and his bloodthirsty inner circle before we realize we'd be better off with Darth Vader at the helm?

Never in my life did I think I'd see Americans so blind to fact and so willing to follow a totally incompetent president wherever he wants to take this nation and at whatever cost!

When the media reports that Bush has the respect of most nations in this world just translate that word into what it really means ... contempt. Every American life lost overseas now, after two and a half years of the Bush presidency, is a vicarious strike at the person of George W. Bush. If we seemed like a nation with a cheap, sleazy president under the Clinton White House (and we were), are we better off with one that has repeatedly been compared with the Germany of the Third Reich?

Clinton's administration proved that Americans in general would rationalize the murder of the Weavers at Ruby Ridge, the incineration of men, women and children at Waco, the execution of Timothy McVeigh as a token retribution for the Oklahoma City bombing that he could not possibly have done by himself, and the failure of our Senate to convict Clinton for perjury and other high crimes and misdemeanors. In Election 2000, in spite of all that the Clinton administration had done to disgrace American, Al Gore won the popular vote and the Supreme Court put George W. Bush in office.

My email delivers e-pamphlets one after another on what some Americans are doing to try to legally remove Bush and his cabal from the White House. What about the CIA? Should Tenet go also? Of course. Why is a Clinton appointee still in there anyway? And don't ever forget that George Bush the Elder was once head of the CIA. It's time that little KGB clone was disbanded and replaced with people of honor under a leader of honor.

Or has this nation come to the point where people of honor either will not run for office or are removed from the "short lists" before they can get a start? We've been voting the lesser of two evils now for decades, and what we've gotten is more evils.

There's got to be something in the air or the water to which I and some others have a natural immunity. To see our nation drop from a position of moral excellence into the world's trash bin and still go around flag-waving and believing national media should be grounds for disenfranchising the idiots who believe Bush is any different in basic character than Clinton, and possibly even more evil.

Our military is where it is to protect America's richest and most evil business interests under a thin guise of either liberating, peace-keeping or national security, none of which are true. We're where we are around the world to protect American business interests and our soldiers, sailors and marines are where they are as mercenaries rented out to the MIC for business reasons. Period.

All this would not be so distressing if it weren't for the fact that a large segment of the American public will still watch the president lie like a rug and trill like a whippoorwill in front of major media cameras, still wearing a business suit rather than a military uniform studded with crosses, ribbons and medals but they're there in his mind and conduct.

What happened to the old saying "throw the bums out?" Did it disappear with the expiration of Clinton's second term in office? We still need it and always will, it's part of the eternal vigilance that is the price of liberty. Many young Americans don't know what liberty was in this nation, and millions more have forgotten because we have more toys now with which to entertain ourselves.

Conservatives cannot even rely on their name as reflecting the position that small central government, freedom from foreign and domestic government debt, the sovereignty of each state as to its laws, etc., are the core of the old conservative philosophy. Neocon is nothing but a two-faced liberal trying to appease both sides of the voting public with something for everyone. That is populism. It is not conservativism. A neocon has no political philosophy other than the expedience and cost it takes to win, and nothing to offer when they do win.

Californians are concerned about impeaching Gray Davis? Lord knows he hasn't cost the lives and spent the money that the Bush cabal has. He may be an idiot who has thrown the state into fiscal chaos, but he hasn't cost us the lives of our men and women in foreign countries, coming home with a flag draped over what's left of their body parts.

What I want to see is the intense outrage of our citizenry that will oust this administration, pull back our military and get busy rebuilding America and its position of world leadership by example, by honor and dignity, by integrity in office and a vision for the nation that doesn't include either playing God or outlawing Him.

It isn't too much to ask because we had it once. We lost it to evil people. We should be willing to take it back.

"Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

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