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Alias Born 04/26/2007

Re: trglaa post# 10125

Wednesday, 07/13/2016 10:21:51 PM

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:21:51 PM

Post# of 33110
no the actual share structure currently, is 515 million shares outstanding and 975 mil authorized. that is still valid. the numbers identified in the filing is based on new calculations, which cannot take effect until authorized is increased. noteholders will NEVER be able to dump 3.4 billion shares. they would shoot themselves in the foot and never recover their money if they continue dumping this now. there would not be any buyers to take those shares. so, they will need to run the stock up much higher and spread out their conversions widely. i think that is why the selling has slowed and the stock seemed to have started finding its bottom in the .0011/.0013 range. why would anybody try to sell 500 mil shares and run it to no bid, which is what would happen and never be able to sell anymore. they would be subject to r/s just like everybody else. so, it would behoove the noteholders to let the stock run back up to mid .00's and sell judiciously. that's just my take. but, they can't dump anymore than another 400 mil right now until the authorized is officially raised, and since they are otcqb, that will take a while to send out proposal to shareholders, schedule a shareholder meeting for the vote, have the vote, and then officially raise the authorized with nevada. could take a couple of months, in which case, the authorized and os would level off during that period giving time for any news and pps to rise. i think the pps may see .002's between tomorrow and early next week ahead of that scenario.
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