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Wednesday, 07/06/2016 12:33:21 AM

Wednesday, July 06, 2016 12:33:21 AM

Post# of 294624
$PMCB Functional cure diabetes should finally become reality

A-Dornbirn | The International Diabetes consortium headed by Dr. Eva Maria Brandtner from residents in Vorarlberg VIVIT Institute has set itself the goal of being able to heal Type 1 diabetes in the future. This will be achieved by transplantation of encapsulated cells insulinprodzierender.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, (also called islet cells) which destroy the beta cells in the pancreas (pancreatic) leads, which are responsible for the production of insulin. The disease usually occurs in childhood, and the patients are dependent for the rest of their lives meshed blood glucose testing and insulin injections. Despite these physically and mentally stressful duration therapy often occur in both acute and long-term complications; these are z.T. severe.

A beta cell transplantation is already feasible today and is the only way, the physiological blood sugar regulation in type 1 diabetes produce patient. In practice, however, they very rarely be used: Firstly, because of the extreme shortage of donor organs and, secondly, because of the devastating effects of immunosuppression associated with organ transplantation. The latter can, however, be avoided by encapsulating the beta cells prior to implantation and so mechanically protects against immune attack.

Efforts to implement this concept in a clinical product were far overshadowed by lack of longevity of the transplanted beta cells. The implanted cells usually died from the effects of toxic mediators. The present project aims at the introduction of a new, alternative insulin-producing cell type. These are genetically modified liver cells, which are much more resistant to said messengers as pancreatic islet cells, since the liver is our detoxifying organ and its cells are adapted to adverse conditions. Furthermore, to increase the introduction of a Zelllverkapselungsmaterials with outstanding biocompatibility the life of grafts significantly. The combination of these two innovations should lead to a significant improvement in the long-term functionality of transplanted insulin-producing cells. Currently, tests are still carried out on animals. First human clinical trials are expected in three to five years.

At present project ten institutions in Europe, the USA, Asia and Australia are now involved who have come together at the initiative of the American company PharmaCyte Biotech for so-called International Diabetes Consortium ( Dr. Eva Maria (Lilli) Brandtner, Associate of VIVIT Institute in Vorarlberg, is leading the project in their role as "Director of Diabetes Program Development" for PharmaCyte Biotech ( Previously Dr. Brandtner spent five years in Asia biotech center Singapore as Chief Scientist at the Zellverkapselungs company Austrianova ( who is also a member of Diabetes Consortium today. Dr. Brandtners return to Austria was supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission ( In autumn 2015, the International Diabetes Consortium could forward to Dr. Hans Peter Hammes, Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Faculty of Clinical Medicine Mannheim, University of Heidelberg and Section Head of Endocrinology welcome. As a globally recognized diabetes expert is Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Hammes the consortium with the ultimate experience both as a physician and as a scientist and active support.$Pistol-Pete$-$Mick$-&-Friends-Stock-Picks-29568/

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