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Re: stehvestor post# 42620

Monday, 07/31/2006 4:28:32 PM

Monday, July 31, 2006 4:28:32 PM

Post# of 341750

The main theme of those posting on IHub today seems to have been the question of the lawsuits. I think Gregg has grasped the main point here – the elements of dissatisfaction being that KC just didn't deliver, that he was very rarely present in Phoenix, that he was not focusing on the job, and that he could not be contacted in New York when he was not in Phoenix. If these circumstances can be demonstrated in court, then dismissal for good reason from KC's position as CEO was an outcome that was being practically forced on the major MMXT shareholders.

For the rest , the elements of excellence that I detect in SCMI as in MMXT, now more than earlier, are just as much present today as they were last week.

