600 Year Bear Market...Silver. http://www.choosingsilver.com/historical-silver-prices.html ...silver charts inflation better than gold which can rise during deflationary times as well as inflationary. http://stockcharts.com/c-sc/sc?s=SLV%3AGLD&p=D&yr=5&mn=0&dy=0&i=t15752850759&r=1467203915057 ...notice how SLV has experienced the 'golden cross' (a misnomer in this case) against gold. Something which hasn't happened in three years. http://stockcharts.com/c-sc/sc?s=SLV%3AGLD&p=D&yr=5&mn=0&dy=0&i=t15752850759&r=1467203915057 What will be a key is if the 200 dma line starts moving up! Pieces of eight were 1/8 1 oz. silver. Can't think of anything more fitting to stock up in the hole of the GA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_dollar