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Re: al44 post# 80567

Tuesday, 06/28/2016 12:15:23 PM

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 12:15:23 PM

Post# of 192144
Maybe this is better for you...

Republicans Confess: We Played Politics on the Graves of Benghazi Heroes
By Peter Daou
June 28, 2016

Once again, Republicans try to use the Benghazi tragedy to undermine Hillary’s campaign. Once again, they play politics on the graves of American heroes. And once again, they fail. As they deserve to.

These headlines tell you all you need to know on a news day when Republicans are out in force trying to exploit the deaths of four American heroes:

Huffington Post: House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton

New York Times: House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton

Talking Points Memo: No new allegations about Clinton in House Benghazi report

And this righteous rant from Rep. Elijah Cummings at Hillary’s infamous Benghazi hearing says everything about the GOP’s disgusting efforts to use the killing of Americans for political gain:

Last October, HillaryMen published the following chronology that exposed how Republicans admitted using Benghazi as a political weapon:

SEPTEMBER 29: As seen in this Clinton campaign video, Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy – at the time the leading candidate to succeed John Boehner as House speaker – opens the floodgates by admitting the truth: the Benghazi Committee is essentially about playing politics with dead Americans:

OCTOBER 8: McCarthy stuns the political world by withdrawing from the Speaker’s race. The Benghazi factor is clear: “House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy abruptly withdrew Thursday from the Republican race for House speaker, citing a gaffe he made last week suggesting the probe was politically motivated as a factor in abandoning his bid for the third most powerful post in the United States.”

OCTOBER 9: CNN teases a Sunday morning interview with Air Force Reserve Intelligence officer Bradley Podliska, who comes forward to accuse the Benghazi Committee’s Republican leadership of obstructing justice and conducting a partisan attack against Hillary Clinton.

OCTOBER 15: Another Republican congressman, Richard Hanna, steps forward and echoes Kevin McCarthy’s revelation:

A Re­pub­lic­an con­gress­man says House Ma­jor­ity Lead­er Kev­in Mc­Carthy was telling the truth when he made the in­stantly fam­ous suggestion that the House Se­lect Com­mit­tee on Benghazi is en­gin­eered to dam­age Hil­lary Clin­ton. “Kev­in Mc­Carthy ba­sic­ally blew him­self up with that com­ment over the Benghazi com­mit­tee. Some­times the biggest sin you can com­mit in D.C. is to tell the truth,” said Richard Hanna, a New York Re­pub­lic­an. “This may not be polit­ic­ally cor­rect, but I think that there was a big part of this in­vest­ig­a­tion that was de­signed to go after people and an in­di­vidu­al, Hil­lary Clin­ton.”

OCTOBER 14-18: In the wake of a reprehensible “Stop Hillary” ad that aired during the October 13th Democratic debate, families of the Benghazi victims speak out against the unauthorized and “cruel” exploitation of their loved ones. From the Washington Post:

The Post reached out to family members of all four victims profiled in the commercial. None of them had seen the commercial, but once they were given a link to the ad or heard its description, most were angry. Reached by phone, Mary Commanday, Stevens’ mother, was furious. “I think it’s a terrible idea and if I could sue him I would,” said Commanday, who lives near Oakland, Calif. She watched the debate but only learned of the commercial after a Post reporter described it to her. “It’s an insult to someone who is dead. I think it’s a wrong use for the reputation of my son.”
The Boston Herald adds:

The mothers of two CIA contractors and former Navy SEALs killed in the 2012 attacks on the U.S. compound in Benghazi are outraged by a “cruel and callous” political ad that invokes images of their sons to level charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Barbara Doherty of Woburn, whose son Glen Doherty died in the attack, told the Herald, “It’s so crude and so unfeeling to do something like this. To see your own son and hear a voice coming up from the grave, it’s tasteless.” Cheryl Croft Bennett, whose son, Tyrone Woods, died in the attacks, said the ad triggered the type of anger that she had avoided since he was killed.

OCTOBER 18: A staggering admission from Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, as reported by Armando at Daily Kos, a respected legal analyst:

Rep Trey Gowdy admits he altered the documents that he used to make false claims against Hillary Clinton in a response to a letter from Rep Elijah Cummings. Gowdy admits that he decided to make this improper redaction. That he attempts to obfuscate the point by stating the “Executive” branch, AFTER Gowdy appointed himself as arbiter of classification, asked for the redaction on PRIVACY grounds, something Cummings himself stated in his letter, does not obviate the fact that Gowdy purposefully altered a document in order to falsely accuse Clinton of wrongdoing.

OCTOBER 19: Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy continues the macabre clown show by leaking the name of a CIA source. According to Politico:

House Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy appears to have accidentally released the name of a CIA source in the midst of a back-and-forth with Democrats about how sensitive the information was and whether its presence in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account constituted a security breach.

OCTOBER 20: TPM reports that “Benghazi committee Chair Trey Gowdy is now returning $6,000 in political donations that are indirectly tied to a PAC that ran a nasty anti-Hillary Clinton ad showing the grave of the U.S. ambassador killed in the 2012 attacks.”

Here we are in June 2016, and the Republicans are back at it, trying to undermine Hillary’s presidential campaign by pretending they have useful new information about Benghazi.

House Republicans will release #Benghazi report today. Timing has absolutely nothing to do with presidential race.

4:22 AM - 28 Jun 2016
Photo published for Benghazi panel caps 2-year probe: No bombshell, faults administration
Benghazi panel caps 2-year probe: No bombshell, faults administration
House Republicans capped a partisan, two-year investigation of the Benghazi terror attacks Tuesday with a report that contains no significant revelations about the events that led to the deaths of...

The Washington Post makes it clear:

Though the Benghazi committee did find some new details, it failed to unearth anything so damning as to change many minds about the events of that tragic night, or who is to blame for them.

And from the Democratic members of the House Select Committee on Benghazi:

Republicans spent “two years and $7 million in taxpayer funds in one of the longest and most partisan congressional investigations in history. [They] excluded Democrats from interviews, concealed exculpatory evidence, withheld interview transcripts, leaked inaccurate information, issued unilateral subpoenas, sent armed Marshals to the home of a cooperative witness, and even conducted political fundraising by exploiting the deaths of four Americans.”

The national media will do their best to use the new Benghazi report against Hillary. It’s what they do. But in a few days, they’ll move on and all that will be left is the filthy residue of Republicans spending millions of our tax dollars using dead Americans as political tools.


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