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Re: whats that spell post# 17249

Sunday, 07/30/2006 2:03:57 PM

Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:03:57 PM

Post# of 56764
"English law allows actions for libel to be brought in the High Court for any published statements which defame a named or identifiable individual or individuals in a manner which causes them loss in their trade or profession, or causes a reasonable person to think worse of him, her or them."

First, since I have not adequately researched this area of law (defamation, alias, internet, message board), I have made no assertions whether you can or not bring the cause of action you mention. I never said you can or can not. I want to make that clear!!!!!

Questions for you:

1. Although your statement is accurate please cite, otherwise it is worthless.

2. Is your statement from a statute? Is it common law? Is it from a legal dictionary? Is it from a secondary source such as a legal leaflet or treatise or encyclopedia? All sources apply a completely different force of law .

3. Depending on whether your source is binding or secondary, is there case law giving a legal definition of "a named or identifiable individual or individuals"? Hmm, I would gather to say almost anybody on here is identifiable, but that is a guess, since I'm not citing legal authority.

4. "identifiable" to whom? To who the statement was made? To another person? To the person who made the statement? Haha, see, this is why there are lawyers.

Thx, Jc