I'm Sure it's Also Great for Removing Barnacles. http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200338103_200338103?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Construction%20%3E%20Painting&utm_campaign=Wagner&utm_content=4513041&gclid=Cj0KEQjwyum6BRDQ-9jU4PSVxf8BEiQAu1AHqle_zzQbDZDvbePXcB6LHGFnMgTs4UeqTV2kmn_ySccaAmnL8P8HAQ The and I mean THE worst job about exterior painting is removing cracked/peeling paint! NO MORE. I'd pay 10x what I paid for the Wagner product. Make that 20x! It's that f&*king good. One week and I'll be finished with the front tomorrow. Going on another vacation starting Monday headed west to Colorado Springs/Canon City.