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Re: Don'tDrinkTheKoolAid post# 204132

Thursday, 06/09/2016 12:46:37 PM

Thursday, June 09, 2016 12:46:37 PM

Post# of 421983
Well - oral abuse also means that an abuser can dissolve the pills/capsules in some type of solvent - which would allow the oxy to separate itself from the naltrexone (ie. not releasing/activating the naltrexone) - thus allowing the abuser to drink the liquid and abuse the oxy / get high.

The debate in the meeting yesterday was that "YES" this is possible - but the deterrent is TIME. It can take 48+ hours for this reaction to happen in the solvent. So is it possible to abuse? Yes. Is time a deterrent? Yes. Is it enough of a deterrent - knowing that there is abuse at the end - to include "ORAL" in the abuse deterrent label? THAT is the debate.
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