Will SEC and/or FINRA stop the naked short selling?
This criminal activity needs to be stopped, reported. I have filed complaints, others have, please keep the complaints going in.. Hopefully this illegal bear run will be put to an end soon and investors will be able to trade stock without the constant push down in price led by MAXM. Be nice to see a cessation of the naked shorting that is going on here.
Has RCPI updated outstanding share count? No SEC filings since May 16th. Do they have responsiblity to do so? If they issued or plan to issue shares to Maxim and/or convertible noteholders, wouldn't this create insider trading opportunity for Maxim and.or convertible noteholders if this is not made public?
How obvious does MAXM, CDEL and NITE need to be naked shorting price of stock down, with volume so high last two days before someone from SEC or FINRA says enough is enough, produce the shares?
Last two days have seen volume hit 51 million yesterday and with 39.44 million with 52 minutes to go, should be well over 40 million today... officially there are about 15 million shares outstanding with google saying 24.22 million, and most sites not showing more than 25 million shares outstanding. How can naked short selling not be taking place?
And better yet, why has this not been stopped by authorities yet?