You read in to it whatever you want there is no guarantee of a squeeze of course, that is the beauty of these boards we all have differing opinions, i am merely stating that all this MGT/Mcafee link talk is BS and its misleading as they own a very small part of the fantasy business. I am sure you can see this is not trading like it should be and a look back at the last few months will tell its heavily manipulated by the brokers/players.
My personal reasons for holding are that as bad as it has performed from my own DD and the potential i feel still exists i still think its undervalued. As small as it was a postive revenue was a first for the company and with the Rant acquisition it should increase This has nothing to do with MGT or Mcafee, otherwise i would of bought MGT ( i wish lol). But i have grown weary of waiting for this to turn around and if there was a squeeze i would likely bail at least 1/2 my position.
Happy trading and GLTU
If looks like one and smells like one chances are it is a