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Re: EMI24 post# 6869

Wednesday, 05/11/2016 2:23:29 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:23:29 PM

Post# of 14818
EMI, you know better than that, management is not going to provide you with any updates on full revenues up to date. They can't say anything until quarterly results are announced. And no management (not just MARA) will ever provide you information on why and who is selling (question from previous post), even if somebody asks. This will be another non-event conference call with analysts asking to clarify stupid things they saw on blogs, like the status of Signal IP litigation with the 6 autos.
All I personally would like to see is earnings vs expenses ratio. That's my number one metric to see if business plan is working. Everything else is just noise.

And, to the people copying and pasting so-called recommendations, just a word of advise: it's all BS -

1) Zacks is mostly computer automated crap, that nobody cares about.
2) JPM NEVER had MARA covered. So, all that lowered price target from $15 to $9 is just messed up. So is this statement: "Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating and four have given a buy rating to the company’s stock". Look, there are only 2 or maybe 3 analysts covering it, and they have all been so wrong since early 2015, that nobody should be even looking at their reports.

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