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Re: Lazy Waysef post# 16603

Wednesday, 05/11/2016 10:27:17 AM

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:27:17 AM

Post# of 55227
*******Heres the fake pos mining DD video from 2013 and transcripts with hardly any views. LOLOLOLOLOL English (Automatic Captions)
0:04this is a broadcaster com the financial Communications Inc
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0:50the company thoroughly with a registered investment advisor
0:53registered stockbroker this broadcast is not purport to be complete study the
0:58future company
0:59for other companies mentioned information news
1:03statements affect have been obtained from the future have been
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1:09keep a small cap ways to
1:11to completeness or accuracy such information is subject to change without
1:16your wired a small cap force dot com following is a presentation of
1:23today's leader Investor Relations capital formation
1:26retail support now with your online business briefing
1:29stock at boys got comp George E Smith
1:32welcome one welcome all to this online business briefing brought to you by
1:37small cap we stock comment as you just heard
1:39I'm your host Stuart Smith and we are once again shining the spotlight
1:43on some of the smartest plays in the small and micro-cap market
1:47and today we're joined for the very first time by Brazil
1:50minerals incorporated the companies traded on the OT CQB
1:55under the ticker symbol BM I axe
1:58and we're joined today by the chairman and CEO the company mark for Gaza
2:02Mark how are you today I'm well work thank you so much for inviting us
2:06thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by and speak
2:09to your company shareholders as well as our listeners here at small cap boy
2:13stock com
2:14now for those listeners who may not be familiar with the company
2:17tell us what BMI axe does absolutely
2:21presume Eternal City is a US corporation with
2:24mineral resources and assets in Brazil is the company that has revenues
2:29for the protection of diamonds and gold from its mines
2:32Brazil XP mothers quite simple we get
2:35rough diamonds and gold essentially daily from our minds because the usually
2:40sold locally
2:40in the rough diamonds are highly sought-after we have more buyers request
2:45to buy all over production for the year and more
2:48difficult satisfied because a great situation to have the previous owner
2:53over mine
2:54Canadian for the traded company that develop the property
2:57the beauty sophisticated plant ad revenue the more than ten million
3:02dollars per year
3:02this property is called was bad was bout was their main source
3:07revenues in the achieved a market cap valuation a $400 million differently
3:13from that
3:13previous owner that only sold rough diamond will be 10 to do is ultra help
3:19so therefore we're taking our rough diamond having them cut and polished
3:24for roughly fifty dollars per called exporting them to the United States
3:29having them graded
3:31at the gym Alaska Native American or GIA the premier laboratory for gradient
3:35certification a diamond in the world and on our first lock
3:39the average value accused by is that means that I could abolish
3:42certified with five thousand four hundred dollars
3:45through to a car because mine is quite simple with so everything we produce
3:49in now we went to so higher-margin products but its polished I'm
3:54furthermore because a very strong local team
3:58and capabilities in the capital markets in the United States we are also
4:04specific project in the city's here such as the needy
4:07pac-10 and iron for which market such as China
4:11are demanding more more up out this commodity a fuck if you have any further
4:15questions about his
4:16no I think that's great and think it's also great that you were able to point
4:20out the diversified revenue stream so you got the
4:24on polished stones and a rough diamonds as well as now
4:28this new polished gems market that you're tapping into our listeners if
4:31you'd like to learn more about that
4:32there was a december 11th press release be am I
4:36axes diamonds achieve average valuation a fifty four hundred dollars per carat
4:41so that's great news for you in the company and it's good news for the
4:45investors because investors as we know in our past audio interviews we always
4:50when companies don't have all their eggs in one basket if you will
4:53having that diversified revenue stream will mark
4:56you're the cute CEO of the company as well as the chairman let's start with
5:00you in your background and learn about the leadership
5:03at Brazil minerals incorporated text which I
5:07with your peers is very blessed to be a US corporation benefiting with the
5:10disparity afforded by the US capital markets
5:13so therefore our audit or even using US for loitering
5:16US however we have a very experienced Brazilian
5:21seeing the nose bridge usually well so we in that way we're
5:24as very different another did other companies such as many Canadian
5:28companies that operate Brazil where you have to go down to a very low level to
5:32get the prison management that you really
5:34seeing on the very top I am from one born and raised in Brazil
5:38wedding every language Portuguese but educated MIT and Harvard
5:43I spent a good deal my professional life in private equity venture capital
5:47United States and therefore I understand fully the challenge is a small company
5:52was it you that I have SAT has a venture capitalist yeah
5:55enjoying the board as a director in my late twenties
5:59begin with a business plan nothing more than paper
6:02in which the billion dollar valuation on NASDAQ
6:05so I know it is possible they have witnessed that myself
6:09to kill the bill because the company from says nothing
6:13what I have done however from myself expect people here is
6:16that are complementary to my skill set places that I brought in a terrific vice
6:21president of finance and administration
6:23group leader with a wealth cuidate all over diamond operations in Brazil
6:28he says he grew up without losing his kitchen table as his grandfather
6:31father the word the Brazilian largest-ever mining company
6:35fact we have a great relationship with that company to learn a lot from them
6:39save another enormous amount of time and effort fertility things I even put our
6:44office in the same office tower as they are located
6:46through the air on the 12th floor will deny additionally
6:50he worked to protect Brazil for a bit speak the same language I speak
6:54he also managed several hundred and the people that restaurant
6:58although his family he has a a good experience in managing
7:02people you listen to him I have a terrific
7:06said a geologist involved in the company including expecting diamond and other
7:11it recently had it for a year 10 the preview
7:15brazilians a mining engineers on the diamond level
7:18for them field he managed operations in angola in Brazil
7:22in all types of the productions assignment
7:26him he's someone who can bring us to the next level
7:29that one production finally a say that we have
7:32extraordinarily good a accounting controls
7:36there is a local accounting firm to provide steal a conifer mine operation
7:41is a farm there has over 200 pretty thin client
7:44we deal with the father the firm is our CPA locally
7:48is that work is overseen by our chief accounting officer
7:52with his staff that their reports 3 our
7:55a US states financial individuals as well as our us-based
7:59auditor we have a multilayer
8:03system approval for transaction and therefore to control the company
8:07are second say will very good here we are in the month of December 2013
8:13and looking back on the year as its leader
8:17tell me where you see is some of the major milestones for the company I know
8:20there's been great news about the company
8:22listeners go back to wednesday October 23rd the company announced third-quarter
8:26results revenue growth
8:28eighty-three percent while net burn rate diminished forty-three percent said
8:32that's got to be a highlight for you in the company
8:35mark but give us what you see is the highlights for the company here in 2013
8:40text really that there was clearly was the major milestones achieved
8:45is his listeners might know we have been created
8:48scenes the reverse merger that took effect on December 18th 2012
8:52will be artificially less than one year old it with an enormous amount that one
8:57from your revenues were now on Iran rate over
9:01one million dollars analyzing revenues from
9:04rough diamonds and gold alone as a mission our potential to achieve
9:08revenue from polished diamonds is quite significant
9:11in addition to that the 34 indicated that we lost
9:14on the three-month for the third quarter is seven thousand dollars herself
9:17which is less than thirty thousand dollars last three months so it is
9:21our losses we would like to see that number
9:24becomes smaller as long as we go through 2014 individual become profitable
9:28this is ago the company to be a profitable company
9:32with the diamond and gold busily currently have in 2014
9:37I also say that he had the other projects that we have cooled
9:41take eighteen 18 in it's a trip are but there's a blockbuster project
9:45if and when we get partners involved
9:48there with allow with to take a step back
9:52collect royalty collect ran to look bright for have the partners Stanley Cup
9:56necessary to develop them we're not about being
9:59a traditional mining companies that would be a an exploration play for some
10:04it is
10:04from these areas I really like a model or the company called Royal Gold
10:09it is a well today's market is the following each
10:13you do with necessary to make a very interesting for partners who has a lot
10:17more companies do
10:18in their partner comes in and East End back with
10:22the with the roast freemen their property so I'd like to
10:25reassure shareholders there because the companies to be propped with quickly as
10:30it possibly click
10:31can't to go to companies that dominate the diamond trading land
10:34run america and we have a huge first step footprint as as it is right now
10:39and furthermore to find good partners
10:42in which weekend and health seventy of other
10:46meters that were exploiting exploring developed and in mice produced
10:50are that over time excellent news and I'm sure music to the ears have your
10:55in shareholders Walmart you've done an excellent job
10:58talking about the milestone for the company as well as pointing out the
11:01goals for the company
11:03but lets change gears and talk about the diamond market itself
11:07and how Brazil Minerals has positioned itself within at Marquee you're an
11:11expert within this market
11:12tell us how you see the diamond market evolving
11:15in 2014 to it is a
11:19nominal market if I had known when I know today about the diamond is that
11:23probably be
11:24in a diamond business for many years ago is in we love we love it because we're
11:29families ourselves and we can take its from production
11:33all the way to retail if you want to of course because cell
11:37a rest stop along the way we can sell polished rose to wholesalers
11:41but if you wanted we could take it all the way to retailers a cheesy know an
11:45margin on their product I will see that it is a cool
11:49resume you know in its future to also add
11:53besides the caller's Diamond Jubilee produce
11:56or the white am so we produce collard I'm
12:00to give an idea they said our could impose Jan
12:03have a rapoport value rapoport being the premier service the prices
12:08grease diamond their report ready for life initializes five thousand four
12:13hundred dollars per character
12:15a collar diameter a pink yellow a blue diamond from Brazil
12:20can easily have a valuation a half a million dollars per carry
12:25so it is quite important for presume you know the future as
12:28wanted to be the dominant producer diamond
12:31a very tight in Latin America to have access to call again
12:36we have received proposal from
12:39several properties the produce collared and we're analyzing
12:43the proposal in terms of joint ventures are things like that a
12:47you be something there we're putting our private
12:50equity cut on so that he has to be accretive to shareholders
12:55a and quickly accretive to shareholders ish say
12:59but expect us to be in the collar Damen these shortly because
13:03the margins are even better in the white collar
13:06at the white called Amazon we have today so in a fair
13:10the learning a lot as well as the dude is with benefiting from textfree Tisdale
13:15I brought work any 360 is intolerant
13:19will mark thanks so much for your time today any closing thoughts or comments
13:21for the shareholders
13:23well we are super excited about the company going forward
13:26we feel are protesting so many as in israel we're working
13:30incredibly hard now we have for shareholders and
13:33from now on we clearly want to keep
13:36a updated a shareholders as as many times as necessary to allow
13:41with more information to reach them in addition to press releases
13:45we're going to be doing interviews with you a whole freaking out on a more
13:49regular basis
13:50and therefore I would like to have shareholders
13:53we did he spare them out there that we're producing everything you know
13:56very good well the company does have Investor Relations at swamp look icky
14:01at Hanover financial services area code 303
14:04494 3617
14:07now you can reach out to us here at small cap boy stock common provide
14:10questions for our next audio interview with Brazil minerals
14:13just send them to the hosted info at small cap for stock com
14:17for mark for gossip chairman and CEO on EM I
14:20acts this is Stuart Smith have small cap we stock com
14:24saying thanks so much for listening
14:27small-cap voiced acecomm today's leaders and investor relations
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14:36of service
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15:19small-cap voice startled
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