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Alias Born 03/16/2014

Re: None

Sunday, 04/03/2016 3:39:27 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2016 3:39:27 PM

Post# of 290030
This is how you do it...

Buy low (July 2015 - Dec 2015)

Sell high (Yet to be determined)

Everybody who bought shares in past 14 months (unless you bought in the past week) is up on their investment.

Congrats to all TRTC investors!

I have held this stock for almost 2 years now...

My 1st purchase was at 50 cents in April 2014.

Fortunately, I had the vision and perspective to recognize that this was going to be the only OTC pot stock worth investing in and I was able to take advantage of 2014/2015 to average down and trade.

I lowered my average from 50 cents (after my first purchase) to 11 cents (by end of Dec 2015)

Of course, there is more than skills here... There is also a lot of good fortune.

I very well could have been totally wrong about TRTC being the only real pot stock worthy of investment and I could have lost it all, as most were proclaiming would happen.

How many OTC stocks survive "death spiral financing"?

I was very naive about penny stocks when I started in 2014.

I naively thought that others would see what I saw and buy up TRTC like it was going out of style, especially after they were granted 4 dispensary licenses in Nevada in November 2014.

I was very wrong about that.

It seemed like my vision was completely wrong.

Or was the market completely stupid?

I voted for the latter possibility and watched in amazement as TRTC continued to chit the bed in 2015.

Could the market really be this stupid?

Or was I totally delusional?

I voted for the former possibility and kept trading the runs and averaging down.

After awhile I realized something very important was going on that had nothing to do with the lack of sector interest, toxic financing or how the company was doing.

Something didn't make any sense.

As the pot sector was crashing and burning during the last 6 months of 2015, I witnessed the stock putting in a really firm bottom at .08

I knew Dominion and Magna were selling the chit out of the stock, yet TRTC continued to be rangebound.

Who was buying up the 60M shares sold by Domimion and Magna during the 2nd half of 2015?

I knew it wasn't retail as retail had completely abandoned the pot sector.

I surmised that something really big was going to happen with TRTC, and those soaking up all those shares btwn .08-.12 knew something that we didn't.

I thought about it for awhile, and the only possibility that made any sense to me was that TRTC would be acquiring Blum Oakland in a transaction where the vast majority of the purchase would be made by using TRTC shares.

I knew it would have to be done before 2016 as the California MMJ legislation made that the best timeline for TRTC.

Every time the stock went below .11 during those last 6 months of 2015 I bought increasingly more TRTC shares.

I was repeatedly told that I was making a big mistake.

That TRTC would be crushed by toxic death spiral financing.

I laughed inside as I knew that was impossible, as all of the toxic death spiral financing shares were being bought above .08, with most of them being bought btwn .10-.14

Another major tenet of my TRTC thesis was that retail had not discovered TRTC yet, but they would during 2016.

I was repeatedly told that TRTC was already discovered, that everybody already knew about TRTC due to all the media appearances DP made back in 2014.

I laughed.

Very hard.

Such a narrow perspective on the investing public.

Did everybody in the OTC sector who traded MJ stocks know about TRTC in 2015?


But I knew that 99% of the investing public who don't normally look at the OTC had never heard of TRTC.

And I knew that as TRTC moved thru 2016, that more and more investors who don't typically buy OTC stocks would purchase TRTC because it was the only way to gain investment exposure to the ACE (American Cannabis Economy) and more and more investors would seek such exposure as we moved closer to Nov 2016 when another 6 states would vote to legalize recreational MJ, including California, the largest state in the Union -- which would force Congress to vote on rescheduling MJ in early 2017.

These 2 mega catalysts, the Nov 2016 elections, and rescheduling to Schedule 2 in March 2017 would pull in 100-200X the number of retail investors in 2016 as we saw in 2015 and as a result, TRTC in late 2015 would not only put in a permanent bottom due to the Blum Oakland acqusition, but would move strongly upwards in early 2016 due to future mega catalysts.

I have always said that media attention would be the biggest catalyst for TRTC, because exposure was the major element that TRTC was lacking.

And so far in 2016, that is exactly what we are seeing.

Retail investors are just beginning to discover TRTC.

But that is important to emphasize.

They are just beginning.

The retail investment crowd is just starting to trickle in to TRTC.

So 25M shares daily is just a trickle of retail compared to what will happen in Nov/Dec 2016...

Then how should we think about TRTC moving forward in 2016?

The volumes we are seeing now are unprecedented in TRTC history.

Even in 2014, there were no periods where TRTC traded more than 10M shares in 9 out of 10 days.


Comparing TRTC in 2016 to TRTC in 2014 and using that comparison to predict the price of TRTC in April 2016 or any other month in 2016 is completely absurd and irrational.

In 2014, the main contingent of interest in TRTC was coming from OTC traders who had all started focusing on the MJ sector.

Not Nasdaq/NYSE investors like me with much bigger money who don't buy OTC stocks.

In 2014, TRTC was 1 amongst 300 pot stocks, all of them pre-cannabis -- TRTC had nothing to distinguish it from the rest of the pot stocks.

That is why 100% of the pot stocks ran in early 2014.

So the money coming into the OTC MJ sector was divided amongst all these stocks.

TRTC only got a tiny smidgen of the money coming into the sector.

TRTC is completely different in 2016.

It is the clear leader of the MJ sector.

Its market cap is twice that of the 2nd place OTC MJ stock.

This is unique to 2016.

The MJ sector in 2016 has gone up a little bit, but not very much so far.

Less than 15% of the MJ stocks in 2016 have rallied.

Most have not.

TRTC has rallied the most out of all 300 pot stocks.

TRTC volume in the past few weeks is up 1000-2000% over 2015.

TRTC dollar volume in the past few weeks is up 4000-5000% over 2015.

TRTC is getting the lion's share of all new money pouring into the pot sector in 2016 because it now is not hidden amongst 300 pot stocks.

It is no longer a needle in the haystack.

It is the obvious winner in the entire sector.

The clear #1 pot stock.

The only MUST OWN pot stock in America.

And you know what?

This is all happening with only 1 significant news event in 2016.

The Blum Oakland acquisition.

That is it.

And this has all happened with Magna selling 25M shares and Dominion selling 14M shares in the first 3 months of 2016.

And during the past few weeks, over 15M shares have been shorted by warrant holders possessing the rights to buy sharply discounted to market shares.

So on 1 big piece of news in 2016 and over 55M shares being sold/shorted by institutions in the first quarter, TRTC moved from .09 to .42 before settling in around .25

It is important to think about all of these factors.

But most important of all to think about, if one wants to understand what is about to happen in April 2016 is to realize 3 things:

1) TRTC is going to release a lot of news this month, now that the Blum Oakland acqusition is closed and Domimion/Magna are now out of the stock.

It didn't make any sense for them to release any major news in Q1 aside from the Blum Oak deal because of all the institutional selling pressure.

You want to get rid of all the big sellers before you release the next salvo of PR.

A ton of news is going to come out in April 2016 as 3 major events are about to happen:

Blum Oakland's revenues are now TRTC's revenues -- they are very motivated to increase Blum Oak revenues as they will be rewarded more shares the higher they can drive Blum Oak's revenues -- so any new products they are carrying can be press released...

4/20 marks the launch of the LV dispensary

4/20 will mark the relaunch of IVXX -- flowers, wax, shatter (maybe oils, edibles, drinks, too)

2) The institutional selling pressure is all but gone now -- there is hardly any toxic debt left on the books, so Domimion is done.

Magna is out as well because they used up the 57M shares in the Maga deal so there are none left.

They raised over $3M via Magna in Q1 so they do not need to raise any cash in April

3) The media coverage of TRTC is about to go haywire.

April is the month of 4/20, which is always a big month for the media covering pot stocks

4/20 just so happens to be the same date as the Blum LV dispensary opening.

4/20 also happens to be the NAME of TRTC's cannabis brand, IVXX!!!

So April will be the 1st month that TRTC owns dispensaries, but instead of owning just one, they will own 2 that are receiving revenue -- Blum Oak and Blum LV

The media will focus on those 2 dispensearies for sure, but will also repeatedly bring up the fact that TRTC also owns 3 more dispensaries in Nevada that are under construction -- 2 in LV and 1 in Reno.

April is the month where the media will seize on all of the press releases that TRTC puts out.

April is the month where the media will highlight MJ due to 4/20

April is the month where DP will be all over the media.

DP will be on TV several times, especially due to the launch of Blum LV and the relaunch of IVXX.

I believe the company name and ticker symbol will change to IVXX this month and this will be announced on or before 4/20.

That would provide for a whole different level of media attention as well.

With the media attention turned up so much, it is the perfect time to release any other news on acquisitions/partnerships/new investors/board members and to really talk about their plans to uplist Nasdaq.

I have already posted my predictions on future PRs and many of the things I listed will drop in April.

So what will actually happen in April 2016 to the stock price?

In order to determine that, we first have to have a handle on what will happen to the volume and the dollar volume.

We also have to erase 2014 from our memory because it serves as a horribly useless comparison for reasons I have already outlined above.

The only thing April 2016 has in common with March 2014 is that TRTC has an excellent shot of reaching DollarLand again.

Apart from that, there is zero comparison.

Back to the volume and dollar volume.

In April, we will see new all-time highs in both volume and dollar volume.

Though the lack of institutional selling will serve as a factor which acts to decrease volume, this will be more than made up for by the strong increase in retail buyers.

On any significant news, TRTC will break the 30M volume mark

TRTC daily volume will increase each week as we move closer to 4/20

DP on TV may cause us to have our first 50M volume day.

Average daily volume in April will be significantly higher than average daily volume in March.

With the lack of institutional selling, the media attention and the TRTC press release machine cranking, along with April being the month with the most TRTC-specific catalysts as outlined above...

If TRTC was able to triple from .135 to .421 in 3 weeks in March, TRTC will surpass this feat in April, particularly because of 1 hugely important fact:

Instead of taking 5M shares to move TRTC up 1 penny, it will only take 1M-2M shares, particularly when we move above .40 and everybody who bought the stock in Q1 is profitable -- this will be the case due to no Magna/Dominion, which created a lot seller's overhang.

With the increased TRTC press releases in April, all of the major TRTC-specific milestones announced in April, the increased media attention resulting from increased TRTC-specific PRs -- the coverage of 4/20 in general as it relates to MJ, more specifically as it relates to pot stocks, even more specifically as it relates to the sector leader and its news...

We will see a ton of TV, newspaper/magazine, and Internet coverage of DP and TRTC.

Everything summed together....

No real institutional selling compared to March

Dramatically increased retail buying pressure compared to March

Dramatically deceased retail selling pressure as every buyer in 2016 becomes profitable (buyers in 2014 and 2015 selling when they break even will only compose a pittance of the daily volume we see in April) compared to March

Dramatically increased TRTC press releases compared to March

Dramatically increased achievement of TRTC-specific milestones compared to March

Dramatically increased media coverage of DP and TRTC compared to March

Dramatically increased media coverage of the pot sector in general compared to March

Dramatically increased number of new TRTC investors compared to March

We will see many days of volumes over 20M

We will see a fair amount of volumes over 30M

We may even see volumes over 50M

With that kind of sharply increased retail buying pressure, in the context of hugely deceased retail and institutional selling pressure....

And tons of catalysts I have mentioned above...

If TRTC was able to triple from .135 to .42 in March...

And TRTC is now launching from .25

Then a 3-6 bagger should happen in April

And $.75-$1 in April is all but assured...

Since I am very confident in my thesis for April, I will even go one further...

TRTC will trade between $1-$1.50 in April.

I am not predicting it will stay there permanently.

I am just saying that sometime during April, TRTC stock price will trade between $1-$1.50

And when it does, that will be the first time in 2 years since owning this stock that I will take major profits off the table.

Because how could I stare at a 10-bagger in 5 months and not?