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Alias Born 03/24/2016

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Friday, 03/25/2016 10:36:05 AM

Friday, March 25, 2016 10:36:05 AM

Post# of 83024
Is Hemp CBD a Legitimate Ingredient of Dietary Supplements?

Is it time for the hemp CBD dietary supplements industry to

panic? Not at All, Say Insiders. This post from Nutritional

Outlook highlights the questions raised by FDA’s CBD warning

letters to some players of the dietary supplements industry.

When FDA sends a group of warning letters calling out a

particular dietary supplement ingredient, people tend to sit up

and take notice. But when that ingredient is as new, as trending,

and as controversial as hemp CBD, attention goes sky high.

On February 4, FDA issued warning letters to eight makers of

products being illegally sold as dietary supplements while making

disease-benefit claims. Some worry the agency is seeking to

exclude cannabidiol (CBD) from the definition of a legitimate

dietary supplement ingredient.

In a letter[1] to one of the companies, CBDy, FDA stated:

You should be aware that, based on available evidence, FDA has

concluded that CBD products are excluded from the dietary

supplement definition under section 201(ff)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act

[21 U.S.C. § 321(ff)(3)(B)(ii)]. Under that provision, if a

substance (such as CBD) has been authorized for investigation as

a new drug for which substantial clinical investigations have

been instituted and for which the existence of such

investigations has been made public, then products containing

that substance are outside the definition of a dietary

supplement. There is an exception if the substance was “marketed

as” a dietary supplement or a conventional food before the new

drug investigations were authorized; however, based on available

evidence, FDA has concluded that this is not the case for CBD.

This is the same language FDA used in a Q&A publication[2] the

agency first published on its website back in May 2015, titled

“FDA and Marijuana: Questions and Answers.” Buried within the

document’s information on marijuana was a short nod to questions

about CBD’s allowance as a dietary supplement ingredient.

FDA’s Issues with CBD Supplements

A recent spate of FDA warning letters does not mean the emerging

CBD dietary supplements market is in trouble, say insiders. But

it does raise some important questions about what’s fair in terms

of drugs versus supplements.

By stating it “has concluded that CBD products are excluded from

the dietary supplement definition,” FDA appears to clearly spell

out that, at this time, the agency does not consider CBD a

legitimate supplement ingredient. CBD holds neither Generally

Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status for use in food and beverages,

nor has anyone filed a notification with FDA for CBD as a new

dietary ingredient (NDI) for supplements.

For now, the crux of the agency’s CBD issue, based on FDA’s

statements, centers on two Investigational New Drug (IND)

applications that were filed by drug firm GW Pharmaceuticals for

its Sativex and Epidiolex CBD drug products. Per the Federal Food

Drug & Cosmetic Act (Section 201(ff)(3)(B)(ii)), if a drug

company, via an IND application, has said it is investigating an

ingredient as a drug, and if supplement marketers cannot prove

that the ingredient was sold as a dietary supplement prior to the

IND filing, then the ingredient is prohibited from being a

dietary supplement ingredient. FDA has said “the law is intended

to maintain incentives for companies to establish the clinical

safety and efficacy of drug products.” (The agency made this

statement following the 1997 case involving a red yeast rice

supplement, Cholestin, and a Merck drug, Mevicor, containing the

same active ingredient—a case that ultimately saw the Cholestin

supplement removed from the market.)

Supplement Ingredient Prior to IND?

The easy question to ask off the bat is whether there was ever a

CBD dietary supplement on the market before GW Pharmaceuticals

filed—and FDA accepted—its IND applications for Sativex and

Epidiolex. (The company was founded in 1998.) If proof exists, it

would seem simple enough for the supplement company selling the

product to step forward with the evidence. In its warning letter

to CBDy, FDA invited the company to “present the agency with any

evidence that has bearing on this issue” to show that CBD

supplements were on the market prior to the IND filing.

In a February 19 statement responding to FDA’s recent CBD warning

letters, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) said, “It is the

position of the HIA that legal hemp products containing CBD were

marketed as foods and dietary supplements long before cannabidiol

formulations were submitted to FDA for testing as a ‘new drug.’”

Speaking to Nutritional Outlook, HIA’s executive director, Eric

Steenstra, says, “The FDA has not yet presented any evidence

regarding their claim [that CBD was not sold as a dietary

supplement or conventional food prior to GW Pharmaceuticals’ IND

applications]. We do believe that products containing CBD were

marketed and sold prior to any IND, and we intend to work with

industry members at the appropriate time to share the evidence.”

But finding the evidence is not as simple as it seems. For one

thing, FDA does not post publicly the date on which an IND

application was accepted. (A January 4, 2006, press release on GW

Pharmaceuticals’ own website announced that FDA had accepted the

IND application for Sativex.)[3] This makes determining an

official cut-off date to answer the “Which came first?” question


Another controversy is whether GW Pharmaceuticals’ Sativex drug

can be considered comparable to any of the pure CBD oils sold by

the supplements industry because Sativex is a blend of both CBD

and another hemp cannabinoid, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD supplement companies selling purely CBD oils argue that these

products cannot be compared “apples to apples” with Sativex

because Sativex also contains THC. (GW Pharmaceuticals’ other

drug, Epidiolex, however, contains only CBD.)

“There are legitimate questions that can be raised,” says Michael

McGuffin, president of the American Herbal Products Association


McGuffin acknowledges that GW Pharmaceuticals met the three

criteria it needed for an IND “that are described in the specific

provisions of the law: they had an IND, they had initiated

substantial clinical research, and they had said so publicly.”

But, he adds, “‘What was the article?’ has to be one question.”

(The Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act refers to an ingredient as

an “article.”)

“The provision of the law says that when [a drug company meets

all three criteria for the IND], then the drug industry, the drug

marketer, has exclusivity for that article,” McGuffin says. But

“what was Sativex? Sativex is a cannabis derivative that contains

a certain amount of THC and a certain amount of CBD.”

So, while supplement companies would not be able to sell this

combination of THC and CBD if the GW Pharmaceuticals IND holds

true, that doesn’t necessarily mean that supplement companies

wouldn’t be able to sell other cannabinoid products.

“What was the article that was protected by that provision?

What’s clear is supplement companies can’t sell that [Sativex]

article,” McGuffin says. But, he questions, “Is it also just as

clear that supplement companies can’t sell any of the

constituents contained in that article? If that is the case, or

if that’s FDA’s interpretation, then how well substantiated is

that interpretation?”

“I don’t think we can ignore it,” he says, continuing, “I don’t

have a contrary opinion as much as I think it’s a legitimate

question to ask whether FDA is correct in saying that because

Sativex and Epidiolex met the three IND criteria, that means that

[the dietary supplements industry] can’t market any of the

constituents in any of those drug products.”

One company raising these types of questions publicly is CBD oil

company CV Sciences Inc. (San Diego, CA), formerly known as

CannaVest Corp. The company has written a position paper

responding to the statements FDA made in the agency’s May 2015

marijuana Q&A posting. CV Sciences has been disseminating its

position response to its own contacts within the dietary

supplements industry. (The company says it has not, and does not

plan to, however, send the document directly to FDA.)

According to CV Sciences’ paper, “all requirements to consider

CBD under the IND preclusion regulations have not been adequately

conducted, thus furthering our opinion that CBD is not precluded

from the definition of a ‘dietary supplement.’” It continues, “it

is our opinion, which is broadly shared by the marketplace, that

CBD has been marketed as a dietary supplement prior to

commencement and public notice of any substantial clinical

investigations instituted on CBD, as the investigations that were

publicized were not substantial, due to being limited in number

and preliminary in nature, thereby rendering the IND preclusion


Speaking to Nutritional Outlook, Stuart Tomc, vice president,

human nutrition, for CV Sciences, says, “We’re going to argue the

idea of what is a substantial clinical investigation and when is

making it public. We’re going to take on the IND issue. If

someone’s going to have to lead this debate, it’s going to be us.”

At this point, it’s still worth noting that, to date, no CBD

supplement company has come forth with evidence showing that its

CBD supplement product was on the market prior to a CBD IND filed

by the drug industry. McGuffin says, “I’m not aware of anyone

having concluded that there either was or was not a CBD product

on the market prior to the GW date.”

Regardless, the fairness question raised by the IND provision

excluding supplements from the market troubles many.

“What the [FD&C Act] provision says, in summary, is that for any

article, if the drug industry gets there first, they get an

exclusivity,” McGuffin says. “And what they need to do to get

there is to say that they’re really interested in getting there.

They have to satisfy those three provisions. They don’t actually

have to be in the marketplace [selling product]. And if they

satisfy those three provisions, they get an exclusivity.”

He continues, “If the supplement industry gets to the marketplace

first, we can share the marketplace with the drug industry. So, a

basic fairness question arises: ‘Is that fair that the drug

industry gets exclusivity and we get a shared marketplace?’”

Consider, also, the long time it takes for a drug firm to get its

drug product to market. Merck, McGuffin says, took years,

possibly longer than a decade, to get to the marketplace with

Mevicor after the scientific publications on lovastatin, the

active ingredient in red yeast rice, appeared as far back as

1979. In the case of CBD, McGuffin points to a 1973 university-

researched article[4] on CBD for health benefits, titled “The

anticonvulsant activity of cannabidiol and cannabinol.”

Fast-forwarding to today, McGuffin says, “That’s 34 years of

publicly available information. Can one drug company now own

that? Is that okay?”

Instead, he says, “What if there was some kind of time

restriction? What if, for example, an additional criteria was

established that the drug industry has to establish those three

[IND] criteria within X years from the first publication of the

scientific research on that substance” in order to maintain its

market exclusivity?

“Let’s assume that we want rules that protect the research

interests of the drug industry,” he says. “But we also want rules

that protect consumer access to long-used ingredients. Do we want

to think about a revision to this provision in the law?”

Responsible Industry

Short of a revision to the law any time soon, CBD firms are

taking steps on their own to protect their industry—namely, by

ensuring they and their colleagues are marketing these products

lawfully and responsibly.

CV Sciences’ Tomc says he was “thrilled” to see FDA issue warning

letters to companies making illegal drug claims. “We were

thrilled that the warning letters went out, because these people

don’t understand the dietary supplement space [and] come from the

cannabis space or are entrepreneurs,” he says. “We actually think

these warning letters are great for the CBD market.”

“We implore, we beseech, all the other CBD companies to follow

the regulations of the FDA. We need to make sure that people

aren’t making medical claims because we’re not selling medicine,”

adds Sarah Syed, director of marketing, CV Sciences. “It’s a

challenge because the market is growing, but many people don’t

know what they’re doing wrong. They don’t know what they don’t

know, and they don’t know the regulations behind dietary

supplements and the health claims that you cannot make.” Syed and

Tomc point out the “variance” of companies in the market, which

includes larger, established firms like CV Sciences as well as

small start-ups and individuals growing their own cannabis.

Efforts are being made to bring the larger CBD market in line

with the regulations, including efforts by AHPA’s own Cannabis

Committee. The committee was formed five years ago when, McGuffin

says, “we saw this emerging marketplace and need of a forum and

community for the best companies to get together and discuss how

they could establish businesses with long-term marketplace

opportunity and not a short-term marketplace opportunity.”

Just last week, on February 19, the committee held a call with a

wide representation of CBD companies in the market. Tomc says,

“Here was the tone: Don’t make disease claims. If you are making

disease claims, hang up right now, fix it, and come back.” Tomc

says these types of calls “show the industry is being proactive.”

Industry Concern

Does the CBD industry at large worry that the recent FDA warning

letters threaten the future of the CBD supplements industry? Tomc

says no. He says that while FDA has “insinuated” that CBD may not

be a dietary supplement ingredient, he also points out that

warning letters only went to many of what he calls the “smaller

players” in the CBD market. “All the letters went to very small

players in the CBD space,” he says. “The larger players in this

space really have not received any warning letters.”

Does this mean only smaller companies have made disease claims?

Or does it mean that FDA, as a whole, has chosen not to actively

pursue the category unless companies are breaking the law? Has

the agency decided to leave the responsible CBD supplement market

alone until the case is settled as to whether or not CBD is a

legitimate supplement ingredient?

In the agency’s own words in its May 2015 Q&A piece, FDA did not

state that it is banning CBD. Instead, it said, “When a product

is in violation of the FD&C Act, FDA considers many factors in

deciding whether or not to initiate an enforcement action. Those

factors include, among other things, agency resources and the

threat to the public health. FDA also may consult with its

federal and state partners in making decisions about whether to

initiate a federal enforcement action.”

In terms of FDA pulling CBD supplements off shelves, Tomc says,

“We’re not there yet.” He adds, “There would have to be a trend

toward public harm. There is no trend toward public harm. The

amount of effort, the case that would have to be built—FDA is not

going into health food stores and telling people you cannot carry

these products. That’s not going to happen.”

He adds, “FDA did not say you can no longer sell this. There has

been no enforcement action. It’s all been Q&A posturing. Nothing

has happened yet. I think that’s important to remind everybody

about, because we still have the process of making the argument

to society in general and to regulators as to where this

ingredient is going to end up.”

In the meantime, Tomc says, CV Sciences’ goal is to continue

strengthening the science behind its ingredient. He says the

company has completed its own toxicological study that would be

the foundation of a GRAS self-affirmation. The data is now under


Notably, Tomc says, it would be the first toxicological study

done “in the history of cannabis.” He says, “No one’s ever done

it for hemp, hemp protein, hemp meal, hemp seeds, hemp

oil—nothing cannabis-related has ever been tested to be safe.”

John Endres, ND, chief science officer for AIBMR Life Sciences

Inc. (Puyallup, WA), which specializes in GRAS services, says,

“As far as I know, there has been no GRAS self-determination

completed for any CBD-rich hemp oil.”

This would make CV Sciences’ data a landmark in the CBD

industry—and, indeed, the larger cannabis industry. Whether Tomc

thinks such data could cause FDA to see CBD in a new, positive

light, he says instead, “It could set a precedent that FDA may

adopt in deciding which suppliers they’ll allow on the market.”

“What we’re doing now is demonstrating that the ingredient we’re

bringing to market is safe and effective. And that’s our primary

responsibility,” he continues. “The indefensible position is the

lack of formal toxicological evidence of safety. I don’t blame

anybody for having questions about safety until you see the data.

That’s good, skeptical thinking.”

“Ingredients that are sold either for the addition to foods or as

dietary supplements need to demonstrate that they are safe for

consumption,” Endres says. “The CBD products that are on the

market are different in that some are much higher in CBD than

what is naturally occurring and therefore should be the subject

of rigorous toxicological assessments to determine what the safe

cumulative daily exposure is. The conclusions of such

toxicological studies are then used to support regulatory status

for the intended use of these products—GRAS for food ingredients

and NDI notifications for dietary ingredients/dietary


He concludes, “The completion and publication of safety studies

on a CBD-rich hemp oil product in a peer-reviewed academic

journal specializing in toxicology will be, to the best of my

knowledge, the first in recent times and a monumental step

forward in putting real science behind a product. I would have to

conclude that the public and the FDA should applaud this effort

as well as the time and expense it requires.”

CBD: Just the Beginning

In many ways, the challenges CBD faces are the growing pains that

any ingredient relatively new to the supplements market would

face, including carving out a place in the regulatory domain. The

demand for this ingredient is very high, according to CV

Sciences, with Tomc adding that many of the more than 500 stores

carring CV Sciences’ CBD oil products complain they can’t keep up

with the demand. As marijuana is increasingly legalized across

the country, the CBD industry is additionally challenged by

individuals and small companies wanting to participate in the

supplements market but not familiar with the regulations.

But, say individuals we spoke to, the bottom line is that there

are CBD companies looking to market products responsibly.

“Yes, I do believe there is a responsible center of the

cannabis/CBD/medical marijuana industry developing, and we’re

certainly working to keep them organized and informed,” AHPA’s

McGuffin says.

HIA’s Steenstra says, “HIA member companies are marketing CBD

responsibly, and none were sent letters. We believe that the vast

majority are in compliance with [the Dietary Supplement Health

and Education Act].”

As for CV Sciences, the company believes that one day, CBD

supplements and drugs will be able to live in harmony. In its

position letter, the company states, “Based on global demand for

hemp-derived CBD, a compromise will eventually be reached, with

artisanal hemp extracts sold in coexistence with pharmaceuticals,

as is the case with prescription omega-3 fish oils and

commercially available omega-3 offerings.”

“This isn’t the end of the CBD market,” Tomc says. “It’s just

getting started.”