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Alias Born 07/26/2007

Re: pennystock_es post# 18333

Friday, 03/11/2016 10:35:11 AM

Friday, March 11, 2016 10:35:11 AM

Post# of 18385
Nice 1M shares of slapping action today! Now only 1.25M shares left at 0.0001 --- which only cost us $125 to see SLRW hit 0.0002 (100% up) again! Much thiner 0.0002s now since millions shares were already moved down to 0.0001s most recently.

One non-reporting peer (SMAA) just hit another New high 0.0007 today with 986M/804M/1B shares huge OS/float/AS! To match the Same MV with that peer, SLRW will hit the New 52-week high 0.0014 which is 14-bagger Huge Gain from the current ridiculous low price 0.0001!

We just need the Same strong Slapping actions at the asks like its peer did most recently!

SLRW had the 5.5-year-high 0.015 with the Same Tiny float and Small OS/AS!

OTC-Killers-Club has spot 325 stock killers from 5100-bagger to 2.1-bagger since 03/05/2011

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