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Alias Born 07/09/2002

Re: FadeMeToWin post# 108025

Thursday, 03/10/2016 11:16:44 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:16:44 PM

Post# of 122342
Reducing gun deaths requires the implementation and enforcement of three laws.

1.) universal background checks for firearms sales

2.) background checks on those buying ammunition

3.) a requirement that gun owners get their firearms microchipped or “fingerprinted” for identification purposes.

There's certainly no reason people with schizophrenia and similar instability pass background checks for gun ownership.

Things are not what they appear to be. The world is ruled by ancient civilization from Mars. Pastor Tim was one of them, and he was the reason my life was ruined,” Odom wrote.

I shot Pastor Tim 12 times,” he said. “There is no way any human could have survived that event. Anyway, I have sent my story to all the major news organizations. I don’t have time right now, they are chasing me.

Kyle Odom's drawing of Pastor Tim Remington's true identity as one of the ancient amphibian creature from Mars.

Kyle Odom accepted an offer from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, to work on a PhD in human genetics, but he quickly dropped out because the work was too easy, thanks to his alien awakening, he wrote.

“The day after I decided to leave, my life became a living hell,” Odom wrote. He couldn’t sleep. After a few days, aliens posing as classmates tried to provoke him to become “the next school shooter,” he wrote, so he left Texas and returned to his home town of Coeur d’Alene.

“This is where the story gets weird,” he wrote. On a flight home after a job interview, Odom began to suspect that strangers were sending him secret messages. Newspaper headlines had hidden meanings.

“It was blatantly obvious they were doing something to me, but I didn’t know what,” he wrote. “I had applied to several government agencies before this happened, so I thought this might be their way of contacting me.”

Back in Idaho, a friendly text message would put a beloved local pastor in Odom’s path.

‘Whoever I was dealing with was extraterrestrial’

In Coeur d’Alene, Odom received a text message from John Padula, the Altar Church’s outreach pastor, inviting him to attend service, he wrote. When Odom first went to the church, though, “something felt very wrong,” he wrote. “I felt as if my life were in danger and I became so uncomfortable I had to leave.”

Odom began receiving text messages from Remington, but he saw them as something more menacing.

“At first they were innocuous bible messages, but then he started threatening me,” Odom wrote. “He sent messages talking about ‘their power’ and other things. He did all of this through bible verses so it would not look suspicious.”

Tim Remington leads the prayer during a rally for Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, on March 5. (Kathy Plonka/Spokesman-Review via AP)

When Remington allegedly sent Odom a text reading “angels,” the Marine veteran saw helicopters flying around his house. “At this point, I knew I was in trouble.”

Odom then began to experience strange sexual feelings — “it felt like someone was manually pumping blood into my penis” — and he heard suggestive songs inside his head, he wrote.

Soon the songs gave way to a voice telling him that he was going to be “sacrificed like Jesus and get beheaded,” he said. When a man knocked on his door with a religious pamphlet, Odom “became completely delirious” and “thought for sure I was going to die.”

“This is by no means an all-inclusive list,” Odom wrote. “Martians are ubiquitous. They exist at every level of society in every nation. Some have blue collar jobs, while other occupy positions of power. They control our government, our military, and Corporate America as well. They keep track of every ‘wild’ human on the planet and manage us like animals in a zoo. Our ‘freedom’ is a carefully crafted illusion.”

We've run out of other people's Social Security taxes needed to subsidize our low income tax rates.

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