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Alias Born 09/16/2000


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Re: None

Saturday, 07/15/2006 8:59:15 PM

Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:59:15 PM

Post# of 82595
SARASOTA, FL 342364027

D-U-N-S Number: 84-391-7837

Purchased Reports

Available Until Report Type Delete Report
9/16/2006 eValuator Report
Purchase D&B's most up-to-date eValuator Report on Dnaprint Genomics Inc (Ut).

Alerts Summary
Alerts Detail

Purchase a Comprehensive Insight Plus Report and Receive 20% discount - Gain access to all the key information in DNAPRINT GENOMICS, INC.'s D&B file, including complete history and in depth payment trend analysis. See example | Learn more

This summary shows all alerts issued on this company in the last 30 days (excluding those that have deleted). You have received 6 alerts since 3/16/2006.
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Select Date Issued Days Until Expiration
Display : All Alert TypesEmployees Here ChangedHistoryPayment Trend Change
6/15/2006 0 History History Section: 06/07/06 HISTORY ... See alerts details

6/15/2006 0 Employees Here Changed Employees: The total number of employees has changed from 12 to 20. The number of employees at thi... See alerts details

7/15/2006 30 Payment Trend Change As of 7/15/2006, this company's Payment Peformance Trend changed from... See alerts details

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Payment Trend Change
A change in the payment performance of this company compared to its trend 3 months ago.

You received this alert on: 7/15/2006. This alert will expire in 30 days. Print Alert | Delete Alert

As of 7/6/2006:
This company's Payment Trend Change improved in comparision to your payment trend 3 months ago.


Learn more about Payment Trend Change:
What is the Payment Trend Change?
What influences a company's Payment Trend Change?
How could this rating be used?

This Company was stored in view my reports/alerts of your account on 03/16/06. The Payment Performance Trend at that time is shown as the FROM above. As of 7/6/2006, the Payment Performance Trend has improved as shown in the TO above. This change is reflective at this point in time and the D&B report purchased today may reflect other changes since it is dynamically produced.