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Alias Born 07/20/2003

Re: Vexari post# 1365

Wednesday, 07/12/2006 6:58:09 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:58:09 PM

Post# of 10217
original yuma concentration story and satellite tracking your drivers license..

NSA routing internet data thru Amsterdam to monitor U.S. websites and

Questions remain whether Bush admin approval of Verizon’s MCI takeover
was quid pro quo for providing email-phone records to NSA for White House
enemies list

Super-secret 5th generation Cray computers used by NSA to tap into
dial-up, DSL and high-speed broadband internet connections which have
voice recognition and keystroke monitoring capabilities.

by Tom Flocco

Tulsa—May 15, 2006——An internet routing plot plan
verifying the exact travel of website data has revealed that stories and
communications e-mailed from a Pennsylvania computer to be posted at a
server i n Tulsa, Oklahoma are first routed into Denver / Colorado Springs
then across the Atlantic to Amsterdam, Holland, back through Denver and
then to the hosting server in Tulsa.

The discovery was made by the webmaster for after
becoming curious about the internet route taken by the data and the
length of time it took to post a new story when the data only had to
travel over the webmaster’s phone line across the state to the hosting
server in Tulsa.

After contacting a U.S. intelligence source, we were told that Department
of Justice (DoJ) investigators have identified an Israeli intelligence
provider in Amsterdam as a co-conspirator with both the National Security
Agency (NSA) and Verizon-MCI in the ongoing Bush administration spy
intrusion into the private and personal lives of millions of Americans
their previous knowledge or permission. Another federal agency official with
long-time experience and impeccable credentials told us, “MCI is an NSA
shadow company. Just remember that MCI equals NSA and you’ll always
be correct in your research and investigation.”

On February 14, 2005, Verizon announced its intention to purchase MCI
for $6.7 billion, after which the company became involved in a strained
bidding war with Qwest Communications. MCI investors sharply criticized
the Verizon takeover which was recently finalized; but federal prosecutors
probing NSA spying will have reason to subpoena Verizon regarding whether
the Bush administration’s approval of Verizon’s MCI takeover had anything
to do with the company’s willingness to provide private phone and email
records to the NSA to spy on U.S. citizens.

U.S. intelligence sources within the Special Operations Group (SOG) are
reporting that NSA computers have been downloading financial and
personal files of all American citizens as a result of upgrades to the
satellite network and software program which is part of the Prosecutor’s
Management Information System (PROMIS).SOG says the NSA has a
“7-10 second lead time” which effectively affords the agency the opportunity
to delay the release of currency, stock and bond sales transactions
a criminal advantage to agency officials and other high-level associates who
game the system of the world’s financial markets to steal investment capital
from both U.S. and foreign citizens throughout the world. Personal phone
service shut down after posting story

A phone call on Friday to Verizon seeking comment for
this report on why the company provided personal phone records to the NSA
without the knowledge or permission of its customers resulted in a “no
comment” response from a Verizon spokesperson identifying herself only
as Mrs. Singh: “We are not able to comment on whether we have cooperated
with the NSA in this matter since this is a classified issue; but we’re
confident that we are within the law. We are protecting your privacy but we
cannot comment further.”

When we asked whether Verizon would deny helping the NSA to spy on
Americans, Mrs. Singh’s response was “we cannot comment on that.”
We also asked to speak to the Verizon legal or security departments, or
even the consumer public relations department for a comment; but we
were told “We appreciate that this matter is causing concern among our
customers but it will not be possible for you to speak to either group.
We cannot comment on whether we cooperated with the NSA because
it’s classified.”

Later that afternoon, wide news reports indicated that Verizon was sued
for $5 billion for illegally providing phone numbers and records to the NSA
without the knowledge or permission of Verizon customers.

On Saturday evening after the Friday call to Verizon, we posted a short
new story, “Phone companies help NSA spy on personal computers for
enemies list” in the IN BRIEF box at After the story was
posted, our personal office hard-line telephone service with Verizon was
shut down at about 1:30 am Sunday morning with that office line remaining
out of service for over 23 hours before this story was posted
IP address logs from this writer’s computer firewall security system provide
evidence that the Department of Defense (DoD) is conducting surveillance,
since logs show DoD internet identification numbers during specific
occasions while we conducted phone interviews with intelligence agents
and other sources, and also while reports were being researched and word
processed for stories regarding White House crime family activities.NSA
spying on dial-up, high-speed internet e-mail and websites for ‘enemies

A U.S intelligence source wishing to remain anonymous but who has
direct knowledge of the operations said U.S. cable internet corporations
have joined the widely-reported telephone company operations to assist
in compiling the largest database in history on American citizens while
“using super-secret 5th generation Cray computers to tap into dial-up,
DSL and high-speed broadband internet connections which have satellite
voice recognition and keystroke monitoring capabilities.”

This is the first indication that the NSA is also monitoring websites and
personal e-mail communications of American citizens without their
knowledge or permission.

The government official said “the voice patterns and voice print recognition
comes from the original Inslaw systems which are hooked up to E-Systems
Dallas voice recognition software and linked over to the NSA.” The long-time
agent added that “part of the reason they are spying on Americans is to
an ‘enemies list’ of those critical of George W. Bush,” adding “the
phrases and words trigger networks of contacts between people around the
country who are inter-related to other activists regarding issues such as
Iraq War, NSA spying, illegal immigration and critical reporters.”

The unnamed official also told us “the U.S. and foreign intelligence
has been using lead bags for the purpose of preventing satellite
and physical reconnaissance ever since the Bush administration commenced
a national spy program.” On condition of anonymity, the source added,
“driver’s licenses are already set up with chips for future use in capturing
medical and other personal and/or private records and information for use by
the Bush administration and Congress to maximize tax compliance, national
identification or for potential political purposes.” NSA/Treadstone
spy-death lists?

The Bush spy program enemies list “would be used to organize groups for
internment camps—particularly the big camp being developed in northeast
Yuma county, Arizona where most of the ‘problem patriots and activists’
would be housed if Mr. Bush is allowed to remain in power during another
major terrorist or biological event,” said the unnamed federal agent.

An October 27, 2001 report in the Houston Chronicle confirmed the existence
of secret surveillance lists, and that NSA lawyers ordered a massive
shredding program of the names and phone numbers of innocent Americans
in late October, 2001; but the NSA made copies of the unlawful list,
to two former U.S. officials.

Federal prosecutors will likely have interest in the fact that the NSA
mailed the list to then Under Secretary of State and current White House
of Staff John Bolton who emailed the list to Treadstone Space #77 in
“All political critics of the Bush or Clinton families have had their names,
phone numbers and addresses stored by the NSA at Treadstone Space #71/77,”
said national security expert Thomas Heneghan, who confirmed another federal
agent’s assertion that the NSA is being assisted by MCI regarding the Bush
administration spy operation on the American people. “#77 is the Colorado
division of # 71 in New York State which is also linked to secret FBI
5 operations connected to both the Bush and Clinton families without the
knowledge of U.S. citizens,” added Heneghan. The national security watchdog
said “the Bush-Clinton crime families are planning a bird flu pandemic as an
excuse for a temporary martial law government to cover up ongoing corruption
and crimes committed against the American people.”

A flu pandemic would allow Mr. Bush to suspend constitutional rights and
round up patriot critics on the NSA/Treadstone death-spy list where they
could transport innocent U.S. citizens who are politically outspoken to
internment camps in locations such as the one in Yuma county, referred
to earlier by another federal agent.

Heneghan added that U.S. Senate Leader and GOP presidential candidate
William Frist and House of Representatives Democratic Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi are both aware of the Treadstone death list and also the Bush
administration spy operations conducted by the NSA—both overseas and in
the United States. Representative Rahm Emanuel (D-IL-5) was identified by
Heneghan as “an Israeli intelligence operative in Congress who actually
carries copies of the updated [NSA/Treadstone] death-spy list to his office
each day,”raising questions as to whether alleged operatives loyal to
governments are only welcome in the U.S. House of Representatives.
“If this [United States] were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot
just so long as I’m the dictator.” George W. Bush, president-elect,
December 18, 2000


Bush, GOP, DEMS to use illegal aliens to push ID card

“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to
receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could
or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number
of his name.” Revelation 13:16 Bush, GOP, DEMS to use illegal aliens to
push ID card

Intel agents using lead bags to prevent satellite spying via licenses &
cell phones
by Tom Flocco

Washington—April 4, 2006—According to a U.S. intelligence source who has
spoken to other officials in the intelligence community with direct
of the plan, Bush administration and certain congressional legislators are
quietly developing plans to roll out national ID cards for all Americans and
illegal aliens living within U.S. borders.

The source told us the government has termed the project the “Federal
Registration Identification Program,” to be proposed as a substitute for
fences or walls along the border which have been proven effective in
stopping illegal aliens, drug smugglers and human traffickers in San

As Minuteman Project immigration activists converge on the southern U.S.
border to prevent the increased, mild weather spring influx of illegal
immigrants, government officials are quietly planning to use the explosive
issue to call for
national chipped ID’s to prove citizenship identity.

The source told us the government is intent upon a so-called “cashless”
society where the Bush administration can track for taxation and potential
political purposes, all financial and personal transactions, medical and
legal records, and the personal whereabouts of citizens and illegal aliens
alike in what the source termed “an expansion of the current Bush spy

“Mr. Bush and the Senate are planning to use outrage over illegal
to switch public opinion from border walls—legislated by the House—to
ID cards,” said the source.

Besides telephone and e-mail surveillance, the Bush administration has also
been secretly spying on thousands of Americans by satellite, using chips
already placed in state driver’s licenses and cell phones, the source told

CNBC partially confirmed the revelations when it said Friday morning that
technology is currently available to employ chips in a “national ID card”
or offer the alternative of placing a chip in the body of any American who
“prefers to avoid the inconvenience of lost or stolen physical ID cards.”

The use of a national ID card will be presented as a viable method of
compromise in order to identity corporate guest workers already in the
U.S. who would receive amnesty and what illegal immigration activists are
calling a “reward for breaking the law and entering the country illegally.”

Both Democratic and Republican parties are engaged in the immigration
controversy; moreover, the illegal alien implication for big business and
cheap labor—but also taxation to relieve impacted schools, hospitals and
other public services—threatens to split both parties, opening the door for
a viable third party option.

Bush administration officials would determine whether ID cards would be
accepted by Americans only after laws were passed forcing illegal
aliens to either carry the cards or be “chipped.” Agents using lead bags to
prevent driver’s license and cell phone monitoring

The source told us “the U.S. and foreign intelligence community has been
using lead bags for the purpose of preventing satellite surveillance and
physical reconnaissance ever since the Bush administration commenced
its national spy program.”

Since current House and Senate members refuse to impeach and remove
George W. Bush for violating constitutional protections against illegal
and seizure of private information, slipping cell phones and driver’s
into a lead bag at certain times would afford American citizens the
to control when or where the Bush administration monitors their physical

On condition of anonymity, the source said “state driver’s licenses are
already set up for future use in capturing financial, medical, and other
personal and/or private records and information for use by the Bush
administration and Congress to maximize tax compliance, national
identification, or for potential political purposes.”

“Driver’s licenses are already linked to state police computer systems;
and law enforcement officials have state-to-state reciprocity regarding
traffic violations or other criminal activity as to certain information
encrypted into state licenses.”

“All Congress needs is public willingness to submit to a national ID card—
and according to what I am hearing, the government plans to use
the illegal immigration issue as the launching pad to convince Americans
that the card is the only answer, because fences and walls are ‘impractical’
and ‘expensive,’ “ said the source.

This, despite numerous reports that the high fences in the San
Diego,California sector have reduced illegal immigration from up to 85 or
90 percent.

Mr. Bush’s secret decision to permit eavesdropping inside the country
court approval represents a major shift in American intelligence gathering

The National Security Agency (NSA) is tasked with spying on communication
abroad; however, many government officials have said the Bush spy program
has stretched and crossed the line on constitutional limits on search and
seizure of private communications, and that Mr. Bush is breaking the law.

The NSA has normally been prevented from domestic spying except for cases
involving foreign nationals; however, the New York Times reported that the
agency “has monitored the e-mail, telephone calls and other communications
of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of people under the [administration’s
spy] program.”

Americans, including activists, protestors, whistleblowers, federal agents,
prosecutors, House and Senate members, media—corporate or alternative,
actors and other celebrities, and anyone else deemed to have spoken out
or written about the Bush administration in a negative or critical manner
been subject to the Bush spy program, according to the source.

Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) and a judge presiding over the secret
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court have already expressed
reservations about particular aspects of the Bush administration’s
to stretch the law to its limits—even to the extent that their questions led
to a
short cessation of the spy program by Bush officials, according to reports.

Mr. Bush’s presidential executive order initiating domestic spying began in
early 2002, according to reports. [To provide American citizens the
opportunity to control the monitoring of their physical whereabouts and/or
to provide a conversation piece to draw attention to congressional approval
of presidential law-breaking, violations of constitutional privacy and the
failure of Congress to impeach President Bush, we are making available the
quality lead bags used by U.S. and foreign intelligence agents, to be
purchased for a modest amount in order to better publicize Mr. Bush’s
congressionally endorsed spying on the American people.

I am now quite sure that 'Tragedy and Hope' was suppressed although I do not know why or by whom. ~ Carroll Quigley

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