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Alias Born 06/17/2004

Re: quanticopious15 post# 134951

Sunday, 01/17/2016 8:23:49 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2016 8:23:49 AM

Post# of 140146
GM Qui...been a long time and hope youve been well.Sad to say but the boards mighty quiet these days...I sold the restaurant and have retired which leaves me with less time for the board than ever..oddly enough....matter of fact I dropped my premium membership with Ihub since my time now seems so limited.Anyway theres not much posting lately but questions usually get answered.On the Q about dont have currency pair charts but years ago I figured out a way to see a currency pairs chart by using this term for example... $XAD:$USD (XAD is term for australian dollar).The chart you get are not of much value because does not track and print 24 hr data.On 2nd question any MT4 charting program will give you overlay capability ...overal MT4 is still the most powerful charting program available for free.Simply choose a broker and open demo acct and select MT4 or the chart program download.I use Oanda MT4 BTW but any broker will do just fine.

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