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Alias Born 12/24/2014

Re: None

Wednesday, 01/13/2016 2:46:45 PM

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 2:46:45 PM

Post# of 6624
Construction parts?
What I mean with construction parts:
As you know every car has a frame / chassis, so has an airplane (and the smaller version; drone).
This frame is build out of hundreds of different parts, bigger parts and smaller parts.
The most crucial parts are in places where main body-parts are connected:
Wing-body, engine-wing, ailerons-body, etc.
For example the engine is connected to the wing with brackets (will probably 3D printed very soon)
When you take a look at those airplane frames, you will understand what I mean.

I know that Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (Safran) is working on 3D printed parts for the landing gear of several planes.

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