Justin, you hit the nail right on the head. I remember an in-service program on teaching values many years ago. It was terrible. The administrator who booked it thought it was terrific. Worse yet, he bought into the crapola they were presenting.
I have an aversion to those who think the wheel needs to be some shape other than round. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unfortunately, mine is a minority opinion, or so it seems.
I will vote my shares in such a way that all directors currently serving get an "abstain" vote, and that any and all executive compensation plans get my "no" vote. I will continue this until executive compensation is more in line with company performance and until boards of directors are not populated with other companies CEOs. They vote for each other's golden parachutes.
This is a weekend, K2. Enjoy it. So far, the weather comedians have nothing but net for us.
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.
--Mark Twain (1866)