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Re: gtell66 post# 103282

Sunday, 07/09/2006 12:12:06 AM

Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:12:06 AM

Post# of 315345
Unfortunately it happens. A referee job is a tough one. Do I call it, or don't I?? Remember Richard Steele?? He was a TOP referee in boxing for years and one bad call and he was a bum.

I'm sure this will be a much talked about event, that controversy attracts attention, and THAT is good for us and the sport.

"Sort of" is such a harmless thing to say. "Sort of". It's just a filler. "Sort of" - It doesn't really mean anything. But after certain things, "sort of" means everything. Like after "I love you" or "You're going to live" or "It's a boy".