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Re: lushka post# 322981

Monday, 12/14/2015 12:01:36 PM

Monday, December 14, 2015 12:01:36 PM

Post# of 819715
seemed fair (with three good reasons presented as "coming together")

focus on greedy banks - normal cycle but worse this time - and less and less regulatory oversight proving bad

and re the ending

I would have preferred the original approach of the GOV buying various paper at INFLATED prices to then current values but not par. Tarp and ... and ..... did work. The government can directly or indirectly sit on paper that is priced low but will rise

Since there was a recovery (some of us liked the stimulus and pursuant worker tax cuts) - the depressed bond values were temporary (as we know with F and F) the GOV and all but F and F owners have come out fine (and a few really sleazy places that pushed the envelope way too hard are "gone")