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Re: BluSkies post# 16810

Thursday, 11/19/2015 11:32:00 AM

Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:32:00 AM

Post# of 106837
Quote LOL, "Why hasn't CEO bought shares at these ultra low levels?"

LOL !!!! Tomas (or Comella) buy shares????? LOL !!!!!!

They only like almost TRIPLED their own pay (total compensation packages with huge base salary increases as a big part of that, see SEC filings, annual 10-K) in like the past 2 years as the common shares have lost literally like 90% or more of what little value they had left. Since Tomas took over as CEO in mid 2010, the shares have lost like 98% to 99% or more of their value. BUT, according to his "reports" and "PR" and blogs or whatever- everything is going swell, fantastic, all according to the grand plan, LOL !!!

And the one prior to that- look at the massive increases. BUY THEIR OWN COLLAPSING SHARES, LOL???????? NOT BLOODY LIKELY IMO !

So in 2012, Tomas had a base salary of about $247K and Comella about $105K. 2 SHORT YEARS LATER approx, by year (10-K) covering 2014, they boosted/juiced JUST THEIR BASE SALARIES to about $766K and $366K respectively (a triple for Comella and almost a triple for Tomas). ALL AS the common shares were being diluted like literal toilet paper and were going to go on to lose 90% or more of what little value they had left, LOL !! FANTASTIC. Oh yeah. Way to run a business 101 baby. Fa sure. BONUSES, MORE BONUSES, CASH BONUSES TOO !!

This company just finished the last, most recent qtr per their SEC filed 10-Q with a grand total of about $65K total cash left on the company balance sheet. They diluted out approx 400 MILLION common shares in that same approx 3 month period (from about 838 million shares O/S to now approx 1.2 BILLION shares O/S split corrected).

The base salaries (not counting cash bonuses owed and "other" compensation they receive) just the "base" pay for just TWO PEOPLE at the company now total:
$766,586 + $371,331 = $1,137,917

What were their sales/revenues and cash to the company after cost of sales is subtracted out? Almost equal to just those base salaries, LOL !! Go figure that one out? And they "claim" in little web site statements and some "PR" type stuff about (paraphrasing) "continual dilution not being acceptable anymore" and the "road to profitability" or "being profitable" or of "cash flows" as in positive cash flows (LOL that one !!) blah, blah, blah, LOL !! Right. Sure thing.

They had $2 MILLION plus still owed in just "accounts payable" at the end of this past qtr, those are the most immediate bills a company has due- stuff like rent, vendor payments, insurance, legal fees, people owed money for whatever, who typically have to be paid in about 30 days or less (net 30) or maybe 45 days tops usual, and often due on demand, owed immediately for whatever service or sale they're owed for. BHRT had $65K cash left in the bank to pay them ole bills with. If that was a family household, that's known as pretty much insolvent, aka a micro-step from BK as far as I'm aware. If they can't/couldn't continually dilute and dump shares at a steep discount- they'd be BK, lights out in under a month or two IMO, just looking at their SEC filings and balance sheet and all. They have no real assets of value, little to no cash at any given time- so if they can't dump shares-for-cash, they're done pretty much in a hurry. Simple as that to me.

Nothing like nearly TRIPLING ONE'S PAY as the common shares have been wiped to a literal FRACTION OF A FREAKING PENNY, LOL !! .0007 per common share, THEE new and very recent all, all, all, time Loooooow. FANTASTIC.

Better question IMO, is how is the CEO still the CEO after 5 years of losing nearly the entire value of the company? Where's the freaking BOD and their fiduciary duties? Most places I'm familiar with, the CEO gets 2, maybe 3 years tops for a "turn around" story, and then gets the boot if they don't produce. At this POS company, they give raises and cash bonuses it seems, the LOWER THE COMMON SHARES GO, LOL !!! Imagine that.

Freaking Balmer got the boot from Microsoft cause the shares were "stagnant" for several years, but still one of the most valuable companies in world freaking history. He was getting their tail kicked by youngsters like Google and Facebook and every other kid on the block- so the BOD sent him packing.

Public companies are "normally" (NOT BHRT obviously) run like pro sports teams- you either produce and produce big, else hit the road and put the next new guy in and give him a few years to turn it around or not. How many pro NFL coaches or coaching staff are already getting replaced this year so far cause their teams are sucking wind? Team owners don't have time to hold on to losing programs, they got their own money and net worth riding on the line. They give dude's the boot all the time- and the head coaches don't cry about it, it's part of playing in the big leagues. Not so at ole Bioheart, aka U.S. Stem Cell whatever. They've produced nothing but massive losses and decline and they got freaking pay increases for it, LOL !! Amaaaaaazing IMO.

Posts contain only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. I discuss stocks as a hobby only. Always do one's own due diligence before investing.