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Alias Born 06/04/2013

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Wednesday, 10/07/2015 11:36:57 PM

Wednesday, October 07, 2015 11:36:57 PM

Post# of 797104
Corker makes my blood boil I wrote every member of the SBC with exception of Ben Sasse who won't let you copy and paste, Joe Donnelly who won't accept email from out of State, and Elizabeth Warren, her site may be on overload.
I watched today as Senator Bob Corker spoke with Rick Santelli on CNBC about the GSE's Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Since Senator Corker is a member of the SB Committee I'm writing because I'm stunned at how out of touch with the American people your Committee is. First he claims these shares are only owned by hedge funds, well I'm not a hedge fund, I'm an blue collar American who has owned shares of these GSE's for years, I work hard every day and I resent that statement. These shares are owned by regular hard working and retired Americans, Schoolteachers, Firemen, Policemen, just to name a few. He has the nerve to say "The hedge funds are fleecing the American people" from my viewpoint it is the US Treasury and you the SBC that is fleecing the stockholders, and the Americans that own these shares. When has it ever been accepted in the U.S.A. to take personal property (my shares) or anything else for that matter without paying for it? He then advises millions of CNBC watchers to "short it" (GSE's stock). This in itself is not legal, he's not a financial planner yet he tells millions of financial channel viewers to short a stock, (CNBC immediately edited this out) proof this is not legal! SEC where are you? The only thing he stated correctly in his four and a half minute bashing of the GSE's is "that congress is inept" yes if your reading this, you are inept and I'm writing to you! You are inept, all of you should be voted out of office in the next election. The US Government does not "own the GSE's" these are publicly traded, and I personally own part of them, conservatorship in definition is to "bring something to a sound and solvent condition" it is not a permanent condition. You have pillaged these companies and you are using them as your personal piggy bank and this has gone on way to long. Then Senator Corker addresses "Majoring in the Majors" the only "Majors" Senator Corker and the SBC seem to be majoring in is being Major League thieves of stockholder shares and dividends, his interest is with TBTF banks, they've funded his campaign with thousands and thousands of dollars. From personal experience I've owned multiple homes in my life, and there has always been standards of income verification, credit worthiness, debt to income ratio, ETC, it was never easy to get a home loan till fast forward to 2005 If you didn't qualify you didn't get a home loan end of subject. Then the US Government and greedy TBTF banks (not the GSE's) threw all that out the window. In 2005 I called my mortgage lender Citibank to ask for a $75,000 home equity line of credit, and I was approved for $450,000 over the phone, no appraisal, no income verification, no debt to income ratio, just a borrow all you can plan. I only borrowed what I needed. But all other garbage loans were sold to the GSE's as AAA not the garbage they truly were and are. Yes American's are angry but not because we bailed out the GSE's, but because our elected officials are so inept and corrupt and out of touch that it's less than pathetic. I've sent this message to every member of the SBC and I'm wondering who will respond with anything other than an auto email or form letter. Challenge?