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Re: rj2 post# 52550

Wednesday, 09/16/2015 12:35:14 AM

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 12:35:14 AM

Post# of 53980
RJ -

I like the wisdom in your statement:"Once a person takes responsibility for his own decisions he can then move on and not repeat the same errors. I do feel a little old for this very expensive lesson....We continue to eat, drink, have shelter and socialize."

When we end up blaming others, we can just end up being a "bitter victim". I listed my loss at just $32000 plus. Actually it was more totally at least twice that, for I was in and out one earlier period where my loss was also at least equal to that amount.

I guess most of the posters here were (are) just interested in their FASC investment. We all have an eternal investment in life--which is much more important that the success or failure of a stock. We do indeed "continue to eat, drink, have shelter and socialize." You and I and Sam still appear to be "hanging around".


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