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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: Net-Man post# 52504

Tuesday, 09/01/2015 10:25:57 PM

Tuesday, September 01, 2015 10:25:57 PM

Post# of 53980
Your post offers a couple of rays of hope for FASC. I probably am the only one who can find something quite positive in Ameritrade giving a zero value to FASC at present.

My Case Manager is having me apply for Medicaid Waiver--a form of Medicaid that provides additional government paid help in the home to help in my final days. In exchange, Medicaid takes all assets down to $2000 with few exceptions. If my FASC had a value and could be sold for even .0001, they would make it be sold. By giving it no value at all, it does not have to be declared.

After I "graduate", it would be nice to see FASC rise from the dust, and have value again. Not an impossibility. I do think it would be good if board members would commit to at least one posting per week--just to keep us from becoming extinct--RJ, Net-Man, Charlie,
Sleepin, Techisbest, and all the rest.

There is something very positive about preparing for death. Will leave you with a paradox. Growing closer to death is truly growing closer to life.I feel a tremendous inner peace and a thanksgiving for Him in whose hands my life is held. - Dave
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