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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: sambeaux post# 52478

Saturday, 08/22/2015 3:29:24 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2015 3:29:24 PM

Post# of 53980
Sam -

I am going to send a personal Email to Brian. It will be shared with the Board). I think the response, or lack of it, will tell us Brian's intent--assuming sufficient assets to make a decision.

Due to limited health (my breathing is quite labored with any exertion) It may take several days to get this off.

i am disappointed that after 16 plus years, so few ongoing personal relationships are continuing with FASC in its present situation. I am glad you are one exception to the rule, Sam.

Mu message will deal with "higher ground" issues, personal responsibilities, consideration of eternal values and consequences.

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