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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: Net-Man post# 52446

Monday, 08/17/2015 2:10:50 PM

Monday, August 17, 2015 2:10:50 PM

Post# of 53980
Net-Man - You have expressed your opinion on FASC: "More to the point - sales are all that matter".

This is one point of view. Another point of view is the integrity, or lack of it, of the management,impressions of such, the scenario statistically of other companies in similar delisted situations, and the likelihood of our stock having any value at all regardless of sales or lack of them.

There are different opinions on this. And the non- trading, or should I say transfer, of FASC shares at any price in my opinion bears out the importance of the DD provided my our new Ihub moderators. My opinion.-Dave
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