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Re: neilbolton post# 41887

Friday, 06/16/2006 6:01:13 PM

Friday, June 16, 2006 6:01:13 PM

Post# of 341750

If you want to quote me -- and you are free to do so -- please at least keep to the point, and quote correctly. I did not say "for SunnComm to emerge as the dominant force in" all or most or even many DRM markets, but "in various DRM markets".

Your lopsided view of DRM basically allows room for a near-monopolist, Microsoft. You see Macrovision as present "in a few niche areas" , all of them "in decline", and Google as only existing because they struck "lucky" -- which sounds very like classifying them as a freak phenomenon unlikely to stay the course, because no mere "luck" holds for ever. Fundamentally, your account concedes market space for only one player, Microsoft, indefinitely into the future. Now, for a market as broad and multifaceted as DRM, that seems a remarkable restriction. One company counts and one only, in your evaluation. If that were true, Microsoft should be forced to split up into much smaller fragments to loosen its growing monopoly grip.

Moving on to concrete detail pertinent to SunnComm, you claim that SunnComm has "a couple of programmers". I must point out that EV has always demonstrated an exceptional appetite and capacity for work; in that sense his contribution counts for two. Then SunnComm has three senior-level programmers and one middle-level programmer. The current head-count therefore works out at five, or 250% of your incautious figure.

Small-caps do sometimes perform well. Check it out.
