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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: Net-Man post# 52434

Saturday, 08/15/2015 2:57:08 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2015 2:57:08 PM

Post# of 53980
Net-Man - You have your pudding by loving your neighbor--as the good Word says.Digging deeper will show how blessed we are by giving to others.Pink Floyd may have one answer. I prefer the answer given the rich young man who had outwardly lived an exemplary life, and "talked all the right talk". The Lord told him to sell all his possessions and give to the poor-- then follow Him. The young man waked away sorrowfully--and never saw the pudding.
Looking at this externally only one comes up with no answer or a meaningless answer. Looking at this with spiritual eyes opened, and the pudding is there with topping to boot.

You state "molding people in the same fashion isn't a good thing". We agree. Cult followings are an example. Leaders can tilt the scale to one side only, and there can be a conscious or unconscious attempt at "molding". In reality, we all have free choices. It is always best to freely and openly present all sides in a decision making forum. With FASC this has now occurred, but unfortunately for many, the price paid has been heavy and come too late, and partly due to a one-sided FASC presented picture only. Dave

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