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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: techisbest post# 52425

Wednesday, 08/12/2015 5:55:09 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 5:55:09 PM

Post# of 53980
Tech - In response to your post:

"The wink was a reference to the damned if they do, damned if they don't position you are in, given that their failure to be successful is what keeps you ticking as you wait for their success. smile

As much as I would like you to stick around sharing your stories, I do hope you eventually get to rest in peace."

Tech - Another paradox: - To grow close to death is to grow closer to life. This is happening until I see nothing but a transition. I must admit, however, the road has severe curves, and ups and downs. But ultimately a growing peace and blessedness is occurring which is also transitional from one world into the next.

Another paradox: Can a stock as totally dead as FASC is be really dead? Or can resurrection have such a broad meaning as to include even near death experiences such as FASC. Should a miracle occur, my hope is that a few, at least, might say, "Thank you, Lord" rather than "Boy am I lucky"

I really am quite peaceful, but "dieing is definitely not for sissies!" Stick around, please. It is good to see as many posts as we have had today--for a "dead dog" like FASC - Dave
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