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Alias Born 06/30/2014

Re: Bristol19 post# 24741

Wednesday, 08/12/2015 9:02:12 AM

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9:02:12 AM

Post# of 140523
Gentlemen. While each of us has our own personal reasons for investing, you're continually missing a major point in you argument(s) for incompetent management. This company was founded on meeting the needs that were not being addressed in the medical/surgical marketplace. IP is the basis of these products, and the lawyers and the laws by which they control the playing field prevail. Management may not market to your collective level of happiness/satisfaction/professional experience, but I'm absolutely sure that their public communication is being "managed" by their lawyers. Some would say, "why poke the bear when it's not aware of your presence?" Another point I'd like to make - Let's remember that a large element of value provided by this site is the collective medical professional experience(s) shared by the members. We want to attract them, and ask for their contributions regarding their surgical and industry experiences that would relate to SPORT and the competition. Try to keep that in mind while whining about no new information. 9 new robots in the next 4 months. Any other medical robotics company doing that? Designing, engineering, creating and producing new technology is NOT an exact science, or there would be devices that already exist.

