Sam, Net-Man & Board -
Sam - I think you came close to my thoughts with your comment, although Brian and I may have a different "Higher Authority" in mind-- (perhaps not). To quote you:
"My opinion is he thinks the outcome
of FASC is in hands of Higher Authorities.
And he was depending on Them doing
the right thing by/for FASC. And
Brian has you, myself and Net-man still thinking he will not desert the shareholder (although my faith admittedlly grew quite weak at times). Our hope is that some type of miracle may still occur, and equally important--that Brian may be the one in one hundred exception to the rule--and play fair with the shareholders.
I have now been on Grace Hospice for 1 1/2 years.I am the only patient with longevity of this degree with them--although one lady, I understand, has been on for nearly a year. They have just this week put me on maximum care of 5 weekdays a week--which is usually reserved for those in their last week or two of life. (Maybe that's my case, as I huff and puff moving just a few feet).--Yet I managed to Wii bowl a 268 last week from my motorized chair. That's about the only activity I can still participate in.
Like FASC, I think my situation is in the hands of a Higher Authority, and His angel helpers. Like Timex watch, I have taken quite a licking, but I still go on ticking (at least for a short time longer).
Do you ever get the feeling that something more important than whether FASC makes it or not is going on in the background of the interior of our minds and spirits? I do. - Dave