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Re: myrtle222 post# 70090

Wednesday, 07/29/2015 8:28:53 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 8:28:53 PM

Post# of 80985
My layman interpetation, is that AMC/H is going to go public on the TSX-V with the MDMN properties. They will not be making a tender offer, but will buy the properties at whatever rate is negotiable.

JMO, it will be for far less than what has been proposed, and MDMN will have no choice but to accept it. $10MM, $25MM, what ever the price, and I all but guaranty it wont be cash, but stock of new AMC trading on the TSX/V.

JMO, it will be a fair deal, based on todays economics, and none of the MDMN shareholders will be happy. Just a prediction.

Notice HR has not weighed in, guess he is still evaluatiing IR messages.