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Alias Born 06/26/2014

Re: Big bucks post# 26763

Thursday, 07/23/2015 1:56:24 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2015 1:56:24 PM

Post# of 55180
The share price is not going to rise to over a $1 again until a joint venture in Asia is announced period IMO. We might see a small bump if they produce the run rate of $5 million annually that they have projected for the quarter. The problem is they will still be bleeding money at $5 or even $7 million in annual sales and will need to do another equity raise like the one they just did which will further dilute the stock. Everyone keeps talking about the IP that they have which I agree is significant. The problem is that there have been many companies especially in the Biotech world that have had very solid IP's in place and have gone bankrupt. The announcement of a joint venture tied to some revenue is everything at this point IMO for the short term stock price. Going the other route through organic sales will take at least another year to see a significant increase in the stock price IMO. There are many other plays on the NASDAQ and NYSE that can bring in a 1 to 5 bagger more quickly than XXII. At this point I'm just hoping for a bump to over $1 so I can liquidate all my shares and move on. I'm a long but I'm also a realist when it comes to this company. If a joint venture is announced then I may hold a little longer to see what happens.
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