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Thursday, 07/23/2015 6:55:38 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:55:38 AM

Post# of 111967
Revised GEQU DD PACKET + Timeline for New and Old Investors!

Hello, Shareholders and Shareholders to be.! This is going be very long but fun to read and packed with DD!

So grab some breakfast,lunch or dinner and dive right in....

To Fully explain what GEQU does in short form is this.. GEQU Consults and Brings really wealthy Multi Million dollar companies to Exchanges around the World.. Most of you know this as a IPO... They also do Heavy duty Consulting work..... Ok so your thinking cool but what does that mean for me... Well GEQU is not just some run of the mill consulting company with fancy words and a Q in their name.. They are Multi Cultural and Nationally known around the world and Focus on the Dubai Stock Exchange... Anything Dubai sounds sexy! Doesnt it? Well Dubai is like Christmas every Minute of the day! GEQU's Headquarters are in Dubai in the AL Habtoon Business Tower... Level 28 PO BOX 29805 Dubai United Arab Emirates... It sounded so cool i just wrote the whole address... Anyways.... Our CEO is uber Experienced. Yes i said UBER another weirdly,annoying but cool word. Mr Peter James Smith our CEO created GEQU in 2006 and took over as CEO in 2010... Back in 1993 lets go there everyone hop into the Delorean. Mr Smith created his own International Financial Services company. His business primarily invovled the Middle East and Asia. He ran that business in 2006 when he resigned and started his new adventure GEQU... my first bold... oooo exciting! From 1993-2005 he built his company to 23 global offices in 5 countries with 2.2 billion under financial management! Can you say Bigggg~~~~~ I certainly can for you! Bigggg~~~~~... Ok enough of our Money Bags CEO... Lets get to our Math whiz Mr Enzo Taddei.... Well he Lives in Spain Travels to Dubai like 70+ times a year! Yes 70+ Times a year... Man talk about Miles.. Send some of those perks our ways! Anyways Enzo is a Math Whiz, crunches numbers like the cookie monster eats cookies and can Speak 3 languages which as we know is extremely important being a European.... So enough about GEQU Managment as awesome as they are its still boring to type about and keep interesting!

On to the Goodies!

GEQU took on some Convertible Toxic Financing.. Why o Why! but they did... Their reason was Hey lets borrow some free money and pay it back quickly enough that it won't hit the market... Well that backfired and before it got out of control they pulled the reins completely in and Stopped all together doing any convertible toxic financing.. BUT........ they still had some on the books and needed to deal with it... Well what they did is first pay off 1 note that still had not passed the 90 day threshold which was really awesome.... The next thing they did is go quiet so they did not attract a bunch of new investors while watching the funders dump into them. Instead they bit the bullet and watched there share price go down the tubes....Doing that eliminated all but 35k of debt up to date.. Which could be less now after this past week and i believe it is... PEANUTS 35k Hrmph!!! Us Shareholders are in a special spot right now... Anyways enough about us Shareholders.... While all that was taking place GEQU also received back and cancelled the Preferred shares.. but losing the right to convert the debt.. Doing that put them in a odd predicament... They found themselves very vunerable because with a rising OS and no Preferreds they had quietly temporarily until this week lost 50% control of the company... So what did GEQU's CEO Mr Smith and CFO Enzo the Whiz Taddei do... They became one of us!!! Yes one of US.. They took 200k of their own debt and converted it into Common shares.. Restricted Common Shares... For those who do not know what Restricted and Common means i will tell you.... Common Shares are what us shareholders buy on the open market we can buy and sell them freely without any restrictions... Restricted means You cannot sell them for a certain time frame.. For a Sec reporting company meaning they file 8k.s and 10k.s etc you have to hold Restricted shares for 6 months....... Well what is even Better Our CEO and CFO first off have no interest in selling these shares per todays SC 13d and even if they did down the road they can only sell a dribble every 3 months. like 3%....

So with our CEO and CFO owning 50% Common shares they have just as much interest in the Share Price going higher as we do... Now that we know the Toxic Debt is about gone lets move on becuase i get sick and tired of talking about toxic debt.. Its like spending more than 5 minutes talking to my wife... (Just kidding honey i love you)


Something that slipped through the cracks was the fact the company received a whopping $475,000 dollars upfront this past quarter ending 3-31-15 here it is... in quotes weeeeee....

During the three months ended March 31, 2015 the Company received $475,000 from 3 clients for services to be rendered during the years 2015 and 2016.

Yes that is correct $475,000 dollars! in the Till! Who the Hell pays a sub penny stock almost a half million dollars up front... Ummmmmmm Pretty much no one!!! Which is why right there alone you can start sensing how special GEQU is.... Daniel Son Close Eye.... Here is the Link as well so you can read it for yourself...

Page F8 Really Cool stuff in there!!

On to Yesterdays 8k! a BOOMING 8K to say the least..!

Just a few key points from the 8k here is the link below to it

1.) OS is 412,860,955 CEO and CFO own 257,903,226 RESTRICTED Combined shares... Leaving a Tradeable OS of only 154,957,729 The very Max the OS will be after the last note is completed imminently is 200-210 Million! Tiny tiny tiny. And that Trade able OS is not going to change!

YES we have a TINY Outstanding... Now that is only those 2... I am not sure how many Restricted Shares are Senior Software Technologist if thats a word Mr Patrick Dolan Ownes... Plus maybe a few other straggling restricted stocks out there... So It is very Possible our Float is under the Current OS.. I do not Speculate so I will stick with the Current info at hand of 154,957,729 Which is once again PEANUTS! Our Market Cap at 412 mill is only Approx 1.6 Million dollars!!! and If you back out all the restricted which you don't do but i live dangerously and will for you our Market cap is only $604,000 Dollars.... Pretty Amazingly Low Considering just by itself we recieved $450k in Q1... That alone Should put us in pennies!

2.) Preferred Shares Series A returned to treasury knocking 1.2 Mill in Liability off the books.... I wish i could do that to my Mortgage...

3.) GEQU now has 4 employees working in London dealing with new business,client managemnt and relations.... Yeah so Take that! Plus the CEO,senior anal..yst and office manager are hard at work in our main headquartes in Dubai..... Love that word Dubai.. And on Lunch they Skydive from the top of the skyscraper... It helps them brainstorm.... Seriously though... How many Fully Reporting SEC Sub Penny Companies can say they Skydive off a Dubai Building... I would Say none!!! ok Seriously now... How many Sub Penny Fully Reporting Companies can say they have 4 People working in London then another Team in Dubai... ummmm NONE zippo nada... Also lets not forget Enzo the Incredible CFO he lives in Spain too!

GEQU is starting to Sprawl across Europe... the Network of top level employees and management Offer companies a oppourtunity... I mean really High-end Well to do companies a chance to go to the US,London,Frankfurt and DUBAI exchanges... I can get more detailed but just read the dam 8k :)....

4.) GEQU quietly snuck up to 19 clients now... That is a TON! all NON US companies... This is where the BIG BUCKS $$$$ Come in.... We earn up to 10% of the Pre IPO funding fees... Cha Ching! then another 10% of the Equity Success once fully listed on the Exchanges... We will be Printing money! Also and this is HUGE!! here come the Boldness all 19 clients have valuations of $10 MILLION dollars to a staggering 250 MILLION Dollars!! and are seeking between $5 Million USD and 138 MIllion Pre IPO Funding.... hmmmm 138 Million sounds like a deal close to being done.. $138 Million... A very Unique number I wonder if any of those clients have gone Sky Diving with our CEO in Dubai....

So that sums up in the 8k some of the key pointers that caught my eye and dragged it 50ft.....

Now on to todays News... It was HUGE and totally awesome!!

here is a Link....

Yeah Yeah IHUB did not pick it up.. BUT everyone else did Yeah we didnt trade 1.5 billion shares cause it didnt hit IHUB news wire but who cares i'll take 70+ million anyday of the week..... GEQU is not trying to win over IHUB.. Yes many have emailed Enzo and Yes GEQU wants all their shareholders to be happy and sing all day long, but I doubt if ENZO even knows what IHUB is.. These guys are building a Empire not a chatroom gossip class...

Anyways Yeah todays news.. Its awesome and I just have a few words about it.. This way everyone can go read it again... Here are my words regarding todays Pr!

1.) ATC Enterprises is a Dubai Based Diamond Trading Company... Are you freaking Kidding me... I get DUBAI and Diamonds in the same Sentence... Incredible and Freaking COOL!!!

2.) They are under contract with GEQU... Yeah you heard it right.. Under Contract! And... Wanting to go public... My guess on the DUBAI Exchange!!! bonanza of $$$$$$

3.) ATC Enterprises is only 1 of 6 with Angola Licenses permitting sourcing,trading and export of mined rough diamonds... Angola is the Worlds 4th largest Diamond producing country by Value and 6th largest by Volume.. in 2014 13 Million Carats went through production... BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!! Tons of CASH and DIamonds are shipped out of ATC Enterprises 2 stations and 2 more are being negotiated... This stuff is awesome and everyone needs to enjoy this PR because its a Game and Life the last 10 years DUBAI has become the Place for Global trade on Diamonds... Well i guess we know where ATC Enterprises is gonna be listed!!! Bam...

So that is todays Amazing PR in a nutshell and now you know why we almost caught fire and never looked back.. we traded over 70 Million shares today.. up 50% well some may say why didnt we go up 500% well guess what we still may have a day like that on much lower vol too!.. Today was a changing of the guard shares were being absorbed and bought all day and that is what happens when your coming off a very quiet period... Plus many flipped not really knowing what they owned imo...

ok in Closing, and I know there is tons more i missed from the past, but we are in the now so all the building the company has done over the last 5 years lets say out loud... Thanks GEQU and Management.. Ok we said Thank You now lets move on to the ending here... My wife is pist and annoyed i am still typing and had no idea how lucky we all are...

Todays SC 13D...

It basically is Enzo our CFO filing his Shares with the SEC and showing everyone how cool he is and how super cool us shareholders are.

Also here is the Link to Our CEO filing his Restricted Shares as well.

In Closing... I am Long GEQU. May i take profits on the way up of course... Everyone should that is part of trading.. Do i want too! hell no i don't! but its important to always protect yourself... I did not sell 1 share today because i feel today was way to premature to take profits on GEQU certainly when i am expecting Silver here+++ ... If anyone took Profits today Congrats and High FIve because it feels good anytime you take profits... Also i am not Paid by anyone or company and I have never been paid.. I do my DD for myself and share it with everyone, because trading even though we are individuals is still a team sport in pennyland... A few good investors in a company can make the whole difference for everyone else... I hope everyone continues to do their own DD on GEQU as well because its fun sharing and learning... The more eyes the merrier because you can spot the good and the bad on any company... and please do not comment on my punctuation and spelling.. I did the best i could in a short period of time...

Go GEQU!!!!! $$$$$$

Newly Added Timeline.

GEQU DD Time Line of Recent Events!

Hello, All GEQU Shareholders! New and Old

Here is a recent timeline of what the heck has been going on with GEQU!

I will go Newest to Oldest so the Impatient ones can quickly get the info they need. Plus sometimes you need to make a quick buy and read the rest later in fear of a run up!

New Added Timeline

A.) 7-21-2015 Pre Revised Proxy for Auth raise to 950 mill... Once again this is for something much larger that we just don't know, but without a doubt Zero of this small raise is for shares to hit the market. There is no toxic debt left to do so. Put 2-2 together folks.

B.) 7-21-2015 This was a monster PR. It quells all the fears that this raise to 950 mill Auth was going to hit the market.. Also I can tell you from my Experience with SEC companies none of these shares could hit the market anyways. There is no more Toxic debt other than the last 14k being sold into the market. Folks these shares are for management to clean the balance sheet and turn company debt into Restricted Stock Period there is not even a bases for an argument here.

Global Equity International Inc. Is Practically Free of All Toxic Convertible Debt

1.) 7-20-2015.

Through Its Fully Owned Subsidiary Global Equity Partners Plc., Signs An Agreement With A Northern Power House United Kingdom Property Development Group [Market News Publishing (US)]

2.) 7-16-2015

Global Equity International Inc. Is Proud to Announce That It Has Reduced Its "Toxic Convertible Debt" Substantially Since December 31, 2014

3.) 7-16-2014

Global Equity International Inc (OTCBB:GEQU) Establishes Internal “Executive Search” Division

4.) 7-10-2015 A Big One! I had to pull out the feed for this one!

This Pr has 100+ Million IPO written all over it prob more like 200+ million.

Global Equity International, Inc., Through Its Fully Owned Subsidiary Global Equity Partners Plc., Shines Bright With ATC Enterprises DMCC

5.) 5-28-2014 a Huge Pr that many do not know about and GEQU cannot advertise but is helping our company quickly rise straight to the top of rank in Dubai. Took 1 month to even get approval of this Pr

It's absolutely Monumental!

Global Equity Partners Plc. Appoints His Highness Sheikh Rashed bin Ahmed bin Maktoum Al Maktoum to Its Board of Directors

GEQU Recent 8k's Which was the beginning of the coming out Part for GEQU after they could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel from the recent toxic Debt which is now 99% extinguished. Maybe 100%. We are waiting on confirmation from company in a Pr or 8k!

1.) 7-9-2015 8k Must read for new shareholders.

The rest of the Recent 8k's and filing can be read following this sec link. They are pretty much about the company owning 66% of the total OS Restricted that can never be sold. Or just read below I have it all broken down for you.

2.) Link to CFO ownership Filing

CFO Owns 31.84% Restricted 131,451,613

That's a Total OS 66.42% and 274,236,560!

Folks. 66.42% owned by Management!!!

I hope this helps all new, old and soon to be shareholders

