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Alias Born 06/26/2014

Re: ChairmanoftheBored post# 26703

Wednesday, 07/22/2015 1:58:08 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 1:58:08 PM

Post# of 55177
Fair enough COB as I respect your opinion. We just agree to disagree. In most cases you would be correct when it comes to announcing or clearing the way for a new study. I invest in quite a few small Biotech's and I live or die with these types of announcements. However; I think in the case of XXII the market is giving them limited credibility on this announcement. Most investors probably feel that they should have done this action along time ago and they don't have the funding or partner to move forward anyway. As for New York I think that it does count as news The problem is that it's not enough compelling news to even move the needle an inch. JT
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