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Alias Born 02/04/2009

Re: gamood post# 23814

Tuesday, 07/07/2015 1:49:57 AM

Tuesday, July 07, 2015 1:49:57 AM

Post# of 24255
When the stock starts trading again next year, it will be as a profitable company, and we will keep all of our shares; except that it will open up at a much higher price. I don't care if those that think they know it all laugh it up now, because that surface knowledge doesn't consider the actual strategy that the company has had to take. It's a little complicated to explain unprivately what actions are being taken, but it's very good, and we have met the criteria we needed to kickstart major financing. This time next year, we will be the ones whom persevered, and accomplished our goals. I'm not running away, and stand by all my positive statements about Smoky Market. The accounts we have stay on the books, and will be much larger when the company resumes trading as a profitable company on a bigger exchange. It will take more time, so sit back and enjoy the laughing chatter from the self annointed experts that believe this company failed. There are more advantages built in now then before, but we'll get to savor that not now like we hoped, but even more at a later time. It doesn't matter whether we are believed or not, because we will do just fine. Some positive surprises, and developments are in store.
Meanwhile wishing you, and yours a nice summer.
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