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Post# of 122080
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Alias Born 02/05/2013

Re: worldisfullofDerps post# 57507

Saturday, 06/27/2015 4:15:41 AM

Saturday, June 27, 2015 4:15:41 AM

Post# of 122080
Sure it's big, and the largest in the US,And:

1)After months waiting for authorizations and electrical power connections, 1 month ago began the rebuilding of the machinery in the new plant. As required, the video is available on youtube.

2)the hemp is in shortage in US (next year will be better for sure): you can't start a (small) industrial plant with uncertain supplying.

3)we have a lot of kenaf, a crop that already has a great market, and is legal for cultivation and transportation in all US.

4)the machinery can be easily converted to process hemp or kenaf.

5)the industrial hemp bills (HB525 and SB134) will be approved because is the only way to unify at federal level 2 problems: the production of fibers and the production of CBD concentrates for medical use.

IN MY OPINION the problems resulting from the liberalization of other varieties of hemp (with more or less THC, with more or less CBD) will be left to individual states.

Actually Hemp inc has not financial: is a startup, and Bruce Perlowin asked to the market the money to the project.

Complaining is useless.