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Re: rubs1 post# 96898

Saturday, 06/20/2015 5:28:04 PM

Saturday, June 20, 2015 5:28:04 PM

Post# of 112299
And the point I am making is that scam companies just go from scam to scam to scam. The idea that Dad was a scammer, got caught and banned, so son took over with dad "consulting for him", but son is honest, while he has only Promoted the stock and sold shares, is patently ridiculous...yet is is what is being put forth.

Here's a whole new discussion point.

Why would a company constantly inform shareholders of its intense desire to become a fully reporting company and fully transparent but refuse to publish anything but crap in the meantime?

I have no humble opinions, but I do have opinions and those are what I express in my posts. BUT...I have been wrong before and likely will be wrong again so do your own research and don't blame me if you are too lazy to do so.