Bernanke notes slowdown but stresses inflation fight
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By Greg Robb
Last Update: 2:15 PM ET Jun 5, 2006
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Although the anticipated slowdown in growth is underway, financial markets should not question the inflation-fighting credentials of the Federal Reserve, Fed chief Ben Bernanke said Monday. "There is a strong consensus" among FOMC members to keep inflation low, Bernanke told an international banking forum here. Recent core inflation readings "have been higher in recent months" and "has reached a level that, if sustained, would be at or above the upper end of the range that many economists, including myself, would consider consistent with price stability and the promotion of maximum long-run growth," Bernanke said. These core readings "are unwelcome developments," he said."Therefore, the FOMC will be vigilant to ensure that the recent pattern of elevated monthly core inflation readings is not sustained," Bernanke said. Bernanke said the slow down in the U.S. economy is no longer simply a forecast. "Real domestic product grew rapidly in the first quarter of this year, but the anticipated moderation of economic growth seems now to be under way," Greenspan said. End of Story
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