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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: None

Saturday, 04/25/2015 6:03:11 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:03:11 PM

Post# of 53980

Hello Adam,

I sent the attached Email to your Dad two days ago. Several months ago I had a very pleasant conversation with him. You might want to read the attachment below before continuing.

Your response to an Email from Charlie was an interesting and insightful one. You told him that we should be helping you at a time like this. After reflecting on this comment of yours, I agree with you. I, for one, want to offer what help and support I can. Several others I am sure will agree with me. Our Investor Hub FASC Board can be an ongoing instrument of communication, contact and information for present investors and those of potential interest for you while in the Grey Market status.

Please feel free to share with we how we can be helpful. My Email is Waitedg@gmail .com, and my phone is listed in my Email to your Dad.

Your Dad thinks highly of you, Adam. I picked this up clearly from my earlier conversation with him. And he feels concerned about bringing you into FASC 8 to 9 years ago--and wants very much to see FASC become successful for your sake as well as other reasons.

I read his statement to shareholders. Let's see how we can still make it happen.I will gather support on our Investor Hub Board--and we will do anything we can to help you keep us going.. Best wishes - David Waite

PS - Please feel free to contact me via Email or phone at any time.

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