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Alias Born 02/09/2015

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Tuesday, 04/14/2015 4:44:03 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:44:03 PM

Post# of 8579
Vapor Hub International Inc. (OTC: VHUB) is pleased to announce that Kyle Winther, CEO, has been interviewed by analyst Francis Gaskins about the Company's "game-changing" products and focus on increasing its market cap.

The entire interview is available at:

In the interview, the VHUB executive explains how the Company transitioned from selling e-cigarettes to becoming a full service vaping company that has manufactured products that have revolutionized the industry. "New products increase revenues," Mr. Winther said, "and our successful marketing program uses Social Media so both customers and vape shops can see our products online. We are a leader in what has become a $2 billion industry."