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Sunday, 04/12/2015 6:18:36 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2015 6:18:36 PM

Post# of 30104
What Happens if the Tea Party Patriots ever Do "Take Their Country Back"?

Former John Birch Society insider Claire Conner, thinks that the Tea Party Patriots = John Birchers, revised for circa 2015.

In a sense, she had the same "ring-side seat" that the Koch Brothers had -- having grown up with parents who were key leaders of the JBS movement.

The thing is, Claire Conner is now speaking out against that anti-government movement,

-- while the Koch Brothers have been secretly re-empowered it, from their boundless Family-built Fortune.

Tea Party Patriots Are John Birch Society Clones

by Claire Conner -- author of "Wrapped in the Flag" (Beacon Press 2013)

“I have a message from the Tea Party . . . We’ve come to take our government back.”
Rand Paul, R, KY, 2010

The Birchers (and much of today’s Tea Party) believe that the federal government is authorized to do only four things
• Run the post office
• Conduct foreign policy
• Raise an army in time of war
• Coin money

Using that formula, Birchers gleefully anticipated the death of Social Security and Medicare the end of unemployment compensation and anything called welfare. Good bye to federal funding for highways and bridges. Birchers oppose all regulation of banks, of business, of the environment, even regulation of nuclear materials. All federal civil rights legislation and anything dealing with education from the federal lunch program to any federal funding equation for school is to be stopped.

In the late 70s and 80s, when the Birchers were considered a footnote in political history, the anti-federal government movement found a new hero in Ronald Reagan who famously said that the government is not the solution, the government is the problem. Reagan built a coalition with movement conservatives, the religious right and wealthy corporatists. He pushed on America the idea that tax cuts for the wealthy will trickle down to the rest of the people. He never told us when that miracle would occur. Today’s GOP continues to push this ridiculous idea along with the nonsense that tax cuts increase government revenue.

That's what the Birchers (and much of today's Tea Party) want. As she further explained in that link -- the most serious among them, saw the Cruz-led "Government Shutdown as a success." That it was a "trial run" so to speak.
Since they see "Government as the Problem" -- many of them simply want to "shrink government so small that ..." Well, that they could be rid of it, once and for all. And forever.

That's their xeroxed Tea Party "Freedom." Freedom from ALL-things Governmental (besides the 4 core-functions, listed above).

It is Claire Conner's contention that the modern-day Koch-created Tea Party movement, is simply picking up where the the John Birch Society left off ...

The Tea Party, the John Birch Society, and the Fear of “Mob Rule”: An Interview with Claire Conner

by Theo Anderson, -- Dec 16, 2013

Claire Conner’s parents were early members of the John Birch Society (JBS), an aggressively right-wing organization that was founded in 1958 by Robert Welch. It drew much of its energy from opposition to the New Deal and Great Society programs that dramatically expanded the social safety net in the United States. The JBS was also active in opposing the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. In foreign policy, many of its members believed that U.S. participation in the United Nations was part of a communist conspiracy to create a “one-world” government. The JBS also viewed mainstream politicians from both major parties, including Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, as communist sympathizers.
Earlier in the interview, you said that you see the JBS and the Tea Party as essentially the same thing. Can you expand a little on the parallels?

There are some differences between the two, but in terms of policy, I see very little difference. The Tea Partiers would probably take exception to that, because they don’t want to think they’re just leftovers from a bygone era. They want to think they’re original and unique. But the fact is that the early funding for the Tea Party came from Americans for Prosperity, which is a Koch Brothers group.

The Koch Brothers are Birch kids. They were raised by a John Birch Society father. So we’re talking about people who were raised with that same hatred of government that I was. So, I like to look at the continuity of ideas from the 1950s to today, and it is extremely difficult to find much difference between them. The only differences are, where we used to focus only on this communist conspiracy, they’ve expanded that word to include socialists, because you don’t see the communists as one marching group like they used to before the disintegration of the Soviet Union. But basically, the ideas are the same. Government should be 60 percent smaller than it is, there should be no Social Security, no income tax, no direct election of U.S. Senators, no safety net or Department of Education or Environmental Protection Agency -- exactly what we heard during the circus that was the GOP Presidential debates in 2012. The same exact thing. People always say to me, “But they’re not Birchers.” But what difference does it make? It’s the same exact idea.

Of course they never talk about what kind of {JB} Society, they'd have us build instead?

They never have to answer to the Press, or the citizens who's Votes they seek:

"If your Government Shutdown ever became permanent and pervasive -- what do you suggest Would Happen Next?"

I suspect, few of them would be brave enough to suggest the "Economic Darwinism of Ayn Rand's Corporate Utopia" -- that ultimately is fueling their "Country Take Over" dreams.

Of course, luckily for them, it is doubtful anyone in the Press will ever connect those Shutdown ... Tea Party ... "four things of government" dots. Or ever dare to ask the Ted Cruz-coalition simply: "What's Next?"

That allegation that the John Bircher-raised Koch Brothers, among a few others, built this Tea Party -- is a rather serious one.

Can it be backed up, with more than just wild claims and Fox-like accusations? Well, if IRS Tax Records be any guide ... then Yes.

David Koch Seeded Major Tea-Party Group, Private Donor List Reveals

Exclusive tax documents confirm the conservative billionaire provided start-up funds for Americans for Prosperity.

by Alex Seitz-Wald, -- Sept 24, 2013

Tax documents obtained exclusively by National Journal confirm that conservative billionaire David Koch, along with a handful of major corporations, provided the seed money a decade ago to start the foundation behind Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group that played a key role in helping to organize the tea-party movement into a potent political force.
Koch's relationship with the group is no secret -- he's the chairman of the board of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation -- but he downplays his involvement in a way that critics charge is disingenuous. [...]

But a donor list filed with the IRS labeled "not open for public inspection" from 2003, the year of AFP's first filing, lists David Koch as by far the single largest contributor to its foundation, donating $850,000. And an earlier document also obtained exclusively by National Journal lists millions more in financial contributions from the conservative industrialist to AFP's predecessor [Citizens for a Sound Economy].

That document, from 2001 [Contributors to Citizens for a Sound Economy], states that the David H. Koch Charitable Foundation provided the single largest contribution, $2.35 million, while David Koch personally donated $1 million, and Koch Industries chipped in another $952,500, for a total of more than $4 million.

Drilling down into those once secret links ...

You can add that $1.86 Millon from the "Claude Lambe Charitable Foundation" to the Koch-funded column too. Because as has been previously reported Claude Lambe, is simply another convenient 'cover-foundation' for those many Koch causes, where they wish to remain nameless.

OK so what was "Citizens for a Sound Economy" all about -- and where the heck did they go?

Citizens for a Sound Economy --

Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) was a powerful industry-funded think tank that promoted deregulation, low taxes, and policies favorable to its corporate donors. When the group was still active, the consumer advocacy organization Public Citizen wrote, "While CSE purports to be a grassroots voice of consumers, it is, more accurately, a front group for corporate lobbying interests that refuses to reveal its funding sources."[1]
CSE was co-founded in part by David H. Koch,[2] was funded principally by the Koch brothers ($7.9 million between 1986 and 1993, according to the Center for Public Integrity),[3] and continued to maintain strong links with them during its existence.[4] In 2003, an internal rift between CSE and its affiliated Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation (CSEF) led to a split in which CSEF was renamed as a separate organization, called Americans For Prosperity.

In July 2004, CSE announced it was merging with Empower America to create FreedomWorks.[5]


-- Fighting for Corporate Donors' Interests [...]
-- Laying Groundwork for the Tea Party
-- "Grassroots" Opposition to Health Care Reform (1990s)
-- Opposition to Clinton Energy Tax (1990s)
-- Campaigning for Bank Deregulation (1980s)

Those are some serious Ayn Randian goals. Empowering Corporations. Tearing down anything involving Government Programs or Oversight.
Because you see to the "true believers" of this decade and theirs, Shutting Down The Government 'is fun'. Never do they feel 'more vital and self-important' -- than when they are doing that ... Taking THEIR County Back...

Kicking off his presidential campaign, Sen. Rand Paul is telling supporters that "we've come to take our country back."
During his speech, Paul pledged to scrap "the Washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms."

So you see, the old JBS-themes are still alive and kicking -- their just flying under a different, more modern banner.
"They still want their county back" -- and by-gawd someday somehow, they're gonna take it. Voters willing.

But will anyone ever dare to ask the Tea Party troops (or better yet its 'Generals'): #TakeTheCountyBackAndDoWhat ?

Once again, let's turn to Claire Conner, for some insights into those yet-to-be-asked-for Tea Party "Answers":

What Tea Partiers Mean When They Say They Want to “Take Back America”

from -- June 23, 2014

In this short but informative segment, Claire Conner, author of the best-selling book Wrapped in the Flag and daughter of founding members of the John Birch Society -- co-founded by Koch Industries patriarch Fred Koch and conservative businessman Robert Welch -- reveals the sinister truth behind what Tea Partiers (bankrolled by the Koch brothers) really mean when they say they want to “take back America.”

“The right-wing wants to rid us of the IRS,
rid us of the Federal Reserve,
rid us of the direct election of Senators,
rid us of every piece of progressive legislation ever passed,”

Conner explained.

“The Radical right wants to take us back -- back 114 years.
They say 1900 in America as like the apex of when we were great as a nation,” noting that this was before women were given the right to vote.

[she continues ...]

Here are some other clarion calls from Claire Conner on her youtube channel. And website.

With respect to tearing down government, she's been there, done that.

She knows what they really mean when they say "We want to take OUR country Back."

She grew up in the vortex of it all, afterall. Where that original meme was started.

She is standing up NOW, to expose the Tea Party movement for the Bircher-wantabees, they really are.

As a former child-to-adult-JBS-er herself -- she's knows that of which she speaks.

We would be wise to listen to her. And not let the JBS-Clones -- aka. the Tea Party #ShutdownExtremists -- Take it.

And let them, then hand it over to to Grover. For those unutterable 'Last Rites'.

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