Hopefully my question is not redundant but I have to wonder if they are selling these assets how does that affect earnings going forward? Are these negative assets that have been draining earnings or are these positive earnings that will show as lower earnings?
Additionally if these assets go away, does it not hurt the ability of DRYS to get any loans, refinance, etc going forward?
Just curious if this has already been considered or a possible reason for the continuation of stock prices near or at 52 week lows?
My thought is if they can pay the loan early due end of year it'll alleviate selling pressure that is considering the end of the year to be the achilles heel for DRYS. If they do not get it paid off, it's my guess that WILL be it, they'll call the note and game over. It looks like a lot is being done to avoid that, which is good and may prove worthwhile as we progress toward that December deadline.
The outstanding item in the back of my mind is that registration to sell shares, what in the world is the plan for that and why would any institutional investor hold onto this (or us) if they plan to dilute even more?
They officially have me concerned that this could be dead money for a number of years.