Pat- you sound reasoned but you are missing the event line which is- THE TRAIN DISAPPEARED IN A FOG BANK.
- COB axed and compensation taken from him and spread to a select group, the CIC PR
- Re-fi deadline and seeming lazy approach to it is a critical need and one I will guess TSA is watching very closely so LONG_LOYAL_ OWNER fatigue goes into overdrive. The REFI is really an issue that I believe stands in the way of the first order of the IDIQ.
-Rebrand to Enable Impact in outreach to integrator-partner/potenital investor...basically, IMSC wants to look viable and focused as well as successful in the eyes of an EDS maker/future owner...they put Liscouski on the point to do just that while they tell us a re-brand/comm. plan is going into play.
- The Cloak of Silence drops on investor communications...not smart when some 85-90% of the owners are retail investors...while a group of dedicated shorts work in and around a creditors constant dumps. Who wouldn't be a "tad" on edge?
- CEO points to more "DMRJ", which is a kiss of downward pps/ dilution if not countered with eye-popping sales, to which CEO refuses to comment on the next big product except to say AWESOME...but of course, this product has been spoken too in white papers received by all in attendance at industry day...see the CLOAK OF SILENCE for the lame reasoning
So we have micro-cap with macro debt relying on gov. sales while playing against angry multi-nationals and who gets the stick in the eye treatment? We the OWNERS.
Yeah, I'm more than a bit unhappy.