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Alias Born 06/26/2014

Re: TTommy post# 23322

Tuesday, 03/17/2015 11:53:06 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:53:06 AM

Post# of 55177
I think Henry needs to take some blame here as their leader, former President and now CEO. He should be able to much more at a much faster pace when it comes to transparency in the news or maybe even a monthly news letter or update to the shareholders. XXII has some quality institutional money invested if you take a look at their major stock holders. Unfortunately many of these institutions will either sell and take the tax write off or at minimum not invest more money moving forward which is exactly what we need to happen for this stock to climb again. This slide is nuts and all of us loyal longs should be very concerned at this point. I would suggest that all of us send an e-mail to Henry through Investor Relations or his direct e-mail as we can all hopefully be heard and make a difference if we step up to the plate. This is unacceptable in my opinion and I ask where is the accountability here on XXII's part?
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