Nice catch Mandjb. Here's something interesting in the deal:
"Dear Richard Pierce,
I understand that you and/(or your associates) are the principal shareholder(s) of GFR Pharmaceuticals Inc. (“GFRP” or the “Company”) a Nevada corporation, which is a public corporation that has approximately 18 registered shareholders, and is looking for combination with an operating business. You have offered to sell 200,000 shares out of the total of 570,000 shares in the Company which you own or control for the cash sum of $350,000, as part of the transactions outlined herein. There are currently a total of 1,079,940 shares outstanding.
That cash paid equals 1.75/share, and the stock is now trading at 1.25. Looks like we could go as high as that, but you're right to be wary of this deal. No financials for Pallane Medical have been posted.